I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Monday, June 22, 2009


My favorite neighbor was over here yesterday morning getting Cataba worms to go fishing with and while she was here she told my human girl that my horse, The Pretty Boy, was mean. 'Mean? Him?' 'Yes him. When I am giving them sweet treats he doesn't want to share with her and he gets mean towards her.'

"OH!" Said my human girl 'that explains that.' 'Explains what?' my favorite neighbor asked. 'That explains how it is that we don't give her hardly any feed lately but she isn't losing any weight only getting bigger and bigger.' LOL!!!

I surely did not want my human girl to know about those sweet treats. She thought that my favorite neighbor was just giving us a handful of deer corn and she was ok with that. I'm not so sure she is ok with us getting all those sweet treats. I know I wouldn't like it if I didn't get them anymore because they are sooooo very good but I guess I would understand if we didn't get to have so many of them all the time. I would understand but I wouldn't like it. Nope I wouldn't like it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A story by the human girl

Hi! I'm sure Precious will have her own version of the morning she had but I get to go first because she is over chatting it up with her friends over the West fence.

Levi and Layni got here about 6 or so this morning. You remember them. They used to live across the road and sing to us every morning before they moved off to live in town.

Such good horse's and such tiny children. They are 3 and 5 now but don't weigh more than a feather even though they are as tall as 5 and 7 year olds.

Before 8 we had already been out gathering cataba worms and rode the horses.

I put a lead rope on the boy and rode them in circles doubled up. Then they picked 'their' horses and wanted to be on them at the same time.
'But Precious doesn't have on a halter so no rope.' 'so' 'so she will
oh well fine I'll throw you up there' Levi got on his horse that has
been his horse for years he says and Layni got on her pretty boy. She
wanted to know his name. Pretty Boy. 'Oh I knew that!' Precious
started backing up. Levi was laid back on her back looking at the
clouds. He said whoa whoa whoa and she did, just long enough for him
to sit up. He said 'what is she doing that for?' 'maybe trying to back out from under you grab some hair and bale off'.' 'can I do that?' 'we won't
know till you try'. Layni was starting to get nervous. 'I want off I
want off!' 'I can't be in two places at once he isn't moving so don't
you move'. 'OK' whew.

Such precious children.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stupid snake won't do that again I bet

Stupid snake let the human girl see it climbing the pipe to the pipe that goes over the top of my water trough. She went to the big house and came back with a rifle. I heard her say 'If you are in there you better get out! Can't have you hanging out where me and the horse's do so you have to go on.' But he didn't listen to her till later. So she shot her bb rifle into that pipe. Again and again about six times. Then we watched her walk to the other end of the pipe and look.........and yelp! HAHAHA That was funny. Me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, both jumped when she did that. I think that snake must have been looking back at her when she was looking to see if it was at that end of the pipe is what I told my horse. And then she backed up a few steps and shot into that pipe again. Three or four more times. Then she stepped back even farther and we did too. That snake was coming out of that pipe and he didn't look happy.

Apparently she hit him with one of her bb's because halfway out of the pipe he fell to the ground. She shot at him again and again and again. Each time she shot she said shoot.

When she came to our barn later to feed us she told me what had happened....

A stupid snake slithered up the pipe to the cross pipe over the water trough, it was three feet long at least but not fat. I decided that if he thought he was going to hang out in that pipe I walk by and you and your horse are by all the time he had to die. Came back to the house. First rifle I picked up was my bb rifle. Not the high powered one either just the cute as a bug one. Brass bb's that'll work. Well I couldn't find him on the ground in the area so I decided he did go into that cross pipe over the tank. Bad boy have to die now. Bird nests in there. I shot thru the pipe about six times. Sometimes my bb made sparks inside that pipe. Then I thought I should go to the other end and see if I could see him better. He was looking at me!!!!!!! I shot a few more times and he decided he didn't want to be in there anymore. I injured him about 3/4 of the way down his nasty body. Probably 15 bb's into that dark pipe and I only hit him the one time. Never got him again even though I tried as he slithered on the ground towards the backyard!! Well shoot. The baby dog is out in the back yard and I can't get there from here. hurry hurry hurry don't think about the pain just hurry and get that dog or he will never forgive you. Got the dog never found the wounded snake. Put the rifle up and saw howcome I couldn't see thru the scope. Caps were on it. Didn't really need it but would have liked to have been able to back up a little farther than I was able to do.

And that's the story the human girl told us about her snake hunt. It was a lot funnier to watch then to hear about.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Safe Haven Equine Rescue

Safe Haven Equine Rescue is where we got my horse The Pretty Boy and they are in super need of our help. This spring has brought them many many many horse's who needed their help and their love but with this comes the added expensive of feeding, doctoring, and caring for our friends. We need you to go to their web site and see some of the beautiful horse's that have recently come to be cared for by these fine people. And while you are visiting there maybe you could help them out a little or a lot. Say a prayer for them too because they are truly Angels.

Click here (or where ever you see the words Safe Haven on this web site) to go to Safe Haven Equine Rescue web site. Bless their hearts.


It is a very happy day today because it is the Birthday of the Grand Princess LayLay! YES!!! Good for her! Three cheers! WOOOOPPPPEEEEEE!!!!

Isn't that great! Eight years! Why she is not really that much younger than I am.....much smaller but not that much younger. I should do a happy dance in celebration of this wonderful day! The human man isn't around out here so it is safe for me to kick up my heels so off I go................

The Pretty Boy here, Precious is out in the pasture dancing and running. I don't know why I just knew it was a good idea to get in here out of her way. She came out of this barn like she was starting a horse race and grinning from ear to ear. OH! Now I know I just heard what she was saying when she ran by here....




Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Got myself in trouble

I got myself in big trouble but it was worth it! The human man caught me inside the barn with my head in the feed barrel yesterday afternoon. I'm lucky it was him and not the human girl. He came in the barn and was very surprised to see me in there. He opened the big front door and told me I had to get out then he went to tell on me. I tried to stand in his way because I knew what he was going to do but he told me 'Go on now' so I had to. After I thought about it for a minute I decided it would be best it I went way way away before he found the human girl and told her what I had been caught doing.

Sure enough he told on me and sure enough she was not happy with me. Oh but that feed was soooooo good!! My horse, The Pretty Boy, didn't go inside with me so when the human girl found the door pulled loose I was the only one to blame. Then she saw where I had eaten a lot of my boys special feed and then split the rest of it. And then she opened the feed barrel to see how much I had eaten. Apparently that was important.

My horse got to have some feed because he was still in the barn behaving himself. When I saw him getting some food I went to get me some. Boy was that a bad idea. The human girl explained to me how I wasn't going to get any and how I wasn't supposed to have gone inside the barn and how I had made a mess she had to clean up and by golly I best just get myself out in that pasture and start walking it off if I knew what was good for me. So I did. I walked clear across the pasture to the other side of my pond since I am not a stupid horse.

The human man kept coming out looking for me the rest of the day right up to dark thirty. I would hear him say 'She's still standing and eating grass!'. Since that seemed to make him happy I kept doing it.

Someone should remind me that just because a door or a gate gets left open doesn't mean that I am supposed to go where I know I am not supposed to go.