I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Shade trees

Shade trees are wonderful things. Any tree pretty much is a wonderful thing. We can take 'Tickle Tongue' trees off that list but pretty much every other tree is a wonderful thing. 'Tickle Tongue' trees have thorns sticking out all over them. ALL over them. And they do not tickle anyone except the person that is not getting touched by one of them. But back to Shade trees. Right now here at the end of July there is a great need for shade trees. It is hot and it is dry out here in my world. Even my pond is getting dry. Not all the way dry just not a swimming hole anymore. So I stand under the Shade trees. I have to go out in the sun to graze of course but mostly I stand in the shade.

The water in the watering tank is nice. There is a hose that drips cool water into it and maybe only about four or five inches of water in the bottom of it so it stays pretty nice to drink. It's nice when the human girl gets the drip regulated so that it stay almost cool drink all the time. Summertime is a good time to have nice fresh water to drink. All year it is nice to have fresh water but in the summertime like right now to have it just coming out of the hose is really really great. Cool water is much more fun for me to stick my nose into and splash around than water that has been warmed by the sun.

Yesterday I got to have a sponge bath on my head. She said that it was too hot for her to getting me wet all over because I was all sweaty from playing but she used the big soft sponge and cleaned my face. I think we have about thirty more nights before it will start getting cool again and I don't even have a guess when it will rain again.

Probably I will get to play in the sprinkler before it rains again............

Monday, July 21, 2008

Late in July

Getting late in the summer now. No rain for several days but we have water in our tank and in the pond and still have green grass to graze on. Oh and Thank goodness for shade trees!! There may be some tropical weather going to develop in the Gulf of Mexico that will bring us some rain later in the week but we will just have to wait and see if that happens.

The human girl said she was going to give me a bath today. I love that a lot. She probably won't come out to do it till afternoon sometime but no matter I will enjoy it whenever she does it. She was raking some old hay in the barn the other day and I asked her to use that rake on me please. Boy does that feel good. It's a big leaf rake so it's like about twenty fingers rubbing me at the same time. My horse, Pretty Boy, is so much into that. He likes to just have a brush brush him. Not me. I don't care what you use as long as I am getting attention. hahaha I have been brushed with brushes, slickers, slicker blades, combs, grass rakes, leaf rakes, tree branches, and hay never found any of them to be disagreeable.

House Mouse says to tell you that the big ole black snake, Micheal, is doing just fine. He has gone to lower pasture to get out of the heat. He says he already looked and decided where he is going to spend the winter and for the House Mouse to tell us to eat slow so his hay bale will be the last one of the year. He is a pretty funny snake sure hope he finds enough to eat down there in the lower pasture.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

House Mouse is safe from the snake

House Mouse here to say not to worry there will be no snake getting into the big red barn. I am going to be alright. Me and that snake the human girl saw the other day are friends. I wouldn't take a ride across the pond on his back but he is more interested in mice that run around getting into things and bothering the birds. And anyway I could be the only mouse in the house that can talk to him and let him know if the human man is coming. That human man walks very very fast so you have to be quick to get out of his way. And he usually isn't looking at what he steps on nope he is usually looking at where he is going not how he is going to get there so you best be on your toes when he is around.

There was a big ole rat that made the mistake of building a nest in the engine compartment of that old truck that got parked wrong and you should have seen that man evicting him from that truck. Well at first it was pretty funny because the human man opened up that hood and Micheal stood up on his back legs, yes Micheal that is the big rat's name, and looked at him. That big human man said 'OH GEEEPERS!' and took off for the big house to get the human girl we guessed. And that's why that day ended with the human girl flat on her back on the ground saying 'NO NO Leave me alone. I'll be fine. Don't touch ME!'

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And there she stood

Saw the human girl coming out towards the barn and then she stopped where she was. Me and my horse didn't know why she stopped. There were some birds of all different kinds flying from one group of trees to another all agitated like. She stopped and looked at those birds flying all crazy and then she just stood there looking at the ground. We would have gone to see what she was looking at but we were standing closer to the feed station than she was and well I'm sure you can figure out that we were not going to be walking away from it when we wanted her to come it.

And she just stood there.........Then she started talking to the ground. My horse and I looked at each other wondering if we should go investigate but we decided to just stand where we were like she was standing where she was. She stood there and talked to the ground for what seemed like a long time but probably wasn't then she came on out to my barn.

She said she was standing there waiting for a snake to pass. She said it was a skinny snake but it was maybe five feet long. She calls it different things. She says Rat Snake, Bull Snake, Big Black Snake to name just a few of the things she calls it. She isn't afraid of them. Says they are good snakes. Says they will not hurt you but if you are not paying attention and walking slowly you might run across one and hurt yourself. HA HA

Sometimes if the human man finds the snake first he will kill it and the human girl doesn't like for him to do that but she does like to play with it after he does that. She hangs it on the fence different ways for different reasons. One way that I remember is that she hangs it belly side up to bring on the rain. And she fiddles with the dead snake a lot because they stretch so she has to keep adjusting it so it doesn't hang on the ground. She told the human man she saw it and he told her 'Don't you be playing with it! I mean it. Do not play with the snake.' I know she wouldn't play with it while it was busy living but that human man just isn't so sure about that.

Those big black snakes eat mice so that's why the human girl likes to have them around. She tells a story about how one time she lost her wheel barrow for more than week because of one of them. She had taken her wheelbarrow to get me some hay and one of them stuck it's head out and looked at her. She took off running and forgot about the wheelbarrow. After she quit running and came to my pasture she opened the gate and told me I was on my own. Oh that was when I had my other horse, Mousey, yes I remember now. Anyway she forgot she got scared away from her wheelbarrow since she wasn't going to that area because she let us out so we could get our own hay and it was almost two weeks before she remember where that wheel barrow was. You should have seen her walking all over the place looking for it but not going down there in the lower pasture even one time. That was pretty funny.

Oh looky! There that human girl is now she is going to hang clothes out on the clothes line so I have to go stand by the fence. I like to do that because my dog who is a chocolate lab will bark bark bark bark bark which I think is real funny.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Walked in circles

Our friends came to visit and they brought their twin GrandGirls. Those girls are just cute as little buttons. They fly out of their parents truck and head straight for our legs to give us hugs. Then they want to pet our faces. My horse, Pretty Boy, and I both gave them rides round and round. I had one pretty little twin riding me with two fists full of my mane hair so she was really riding! The other pretty little twin was riding the Pretty Boy holding just one hank of mane hair with both hands. I was very proud of my horse because at one point his rider got herself a little sideways, what I mean is she was sliding off the top of him, and he stopped. Yes he did. He felt her getting a little unseated and he stopped so her Daddy could straighten her back up. Now that is a good horse. My human man was very proud of me too because I was very very nice and walked very slowly. We went around and around and around and then I was done so I stopped under the trees where we started from. It was a lot of fun.

All the humans then went into my big red barn but they didn't let me and my horse go in with them. Nope. They closed the door. We waited for them to come back out. They did and then we made sure that all of them that went in there came out so no one got left behind. My human man then told me and my horse to follow him and he would give us a treat for being such very good horses.

We really had a wonderful weekend. The fireworks didn't even hardly bother us. My horse doesn't even care about fireworks he just cares about grazing so that made me be more calm than I thought I was going to be.

Well that's all for now except to tell you that since it is really and for sure Summer time out here it is really and for sure HOT!!!!!!!!!! I go swimming in my pond three or four times a day it is so hot.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July already?

l can't believe it is already July! The weather has been just so very nice. Cool mornings and not very hot in the afternoons with just enough rain. I'm sure that will change but we have been so enjoying it.

We got our worming medicine today. This afternoon actually. She didn't tell us that but we knew. She thinks she is pretty tricky giving us pelleted wormer that looks like our feed but is a little green in color but she is not fooling us.........well me at least. My horse, the Pretty Boy, doesn't care what he has just so he gets some and he doesn't even care when he gets it. Now that is truly a horse that has done without. Not me no not me. I have been living a blessed life since coming to live here at a very young age so sometimes I forget what it is like for my horse. If I want something I just raise a ruckus till I get it but my horse will just entertain himself and graze not caring if anyone comes to give him feed or not. He is a very good horse and I am lucky to have him that's for sure.

Speaking of me raising a ruckus to get my way you see my bang on the gate hoof! When the human girl came out this afternoon to trick us she saw it and brought my attention to what I gone and done. What I have gone and done is ruin my manicure....or would that be my pedicure yes probably my pedicure since it is my foot we are talking about. Chipped chipped and more chipped. The human girl told me that Randall was not going to be happy with me if I kept that up. Maybe I will stop tomorrow.........