I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Friday, February 6, 2009

It was so good to see you

It was so good to see you the other day. I didn't know how much I had been missing you until you were there where I could touch you. The sight of you stepping up to me did my old bones good that is for sure. You know how they say that the best thing for the heart of a man is the back of a horse well the sight of you was just about as good in my book. I will take the love in your eyes and the warmth of your hug with me for a long time.

And that is how I ended up standing out here in the middle of the pasture today with a tear rolling down my cheek. If my horse asks me I will tell him 'It is the wind'. But I will know in my heart. I will know it is for times gone by and times to come. For Love. For Laughter. And for Living.

So let them have their back of a horse saying for me I will go with 'There is nothing better for the heart of a horse than the hand of a friend.'

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