I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Walked in circles

Our friends came to visit and they brought their twin GrandGirls. Those girls are just cute as little buttons. They fly out of their parents truck and head straight for our legs to give us hugs. Then they want to pet our faces. My horse, Pretty Boy, and I both gave them rides round and round. I had one pretty little twin riding me with two fists full of my mane hair so she was really riding! The other pretty little twin was riding the Pretty Boy holding just one hank of mane hair with both hands. I was very proud of my horse because at one point his rider got herself a little sideways, what I mean is she was sliding off the top of him, and he stopped. Yes he did. He felt her getting a little unseated and he stopped so her Daddy could straighten her back up. Now that is a good horse. My human man was very proud of me too because I was very very nice and walked very slowly. We went around and around and around and then I was done so I stopped under the trees where we started from. It was a lot of fun.

All the humans then went into my big red barn but they didn't let me and my horse go in with them. Nope. They closed the door. We waited for them to come back out. They did and then we made sure that all of them that went in there came out so no one got left behind. My human man then told me and my horse to follow him and he would give us a treat for being such very good horses.

We really had a wonderful weekend. The fireworks didn't even hardly bother us. My horse doesn't even care about fireworks he just cares about grazing so that made me be more calm than I thought I was going to be.

Well that's all for now except to tell you that since it is really and for sure Summer time out here it is really and for sure HOT!!!!!!!!!! I go swimming in my pond three or four times a day it is so hot.

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