I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Sunday, July 20, 2008

House Mouse is safe from the snake

House Mouse here to say not to worry there will be no snake getting into the big red barn. I am going to be alright. Me and that snake the human girl saw the other day are friends. I wouldn't take a ride across the pond on his back but he is more interested in mice that run around getting into things and bothering the birds. And anyway I could be the only mouse in the house that can talk to him and let him know if the human man is coming. That human man walks very very fast so you have to be quick to get out of his way. And he usually isn't looking at what he steps on nope he is usually looking at where he is going not how he is going to get there so you best be on your toes when he is around.

There was a big ole rat that made the mistake of building a nest in the engine compartment of that old truck that got parked wrong and you should have seen that man evicting him from that truck. Well at first it was pretty funny because the human man opened up that hood and Micheal stood up on his back legs, yes Micheal that is the big rat's name, and looked at him. That big human man said 'OH GEEEPERS!' and took off for the big house to get the human girl we guessed. And that's why that day ended with the human girl flat on her back on the ground saying 'NO NO Leave me alone. I'll be fine. Don't touch ME!'

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