The update about the hurricane is that there isn't one. The human girl and the house mouse have been busy busy around here for two days getting ready for that hurricane that didn't happen. Better to be prepared is what the House Mouse told me. They have been moving stuff up off the ground inside my big red barn and making canals for rain water to run down. The human girl made two dams. One across the big barn door and one across the side door. She told us this morning that were holding.
Me and my horse, Pretty Boy, are wet but that's okay. The rain hasn't been too bad. Mostly just rain no storms near here. There is about a half a barrel of rain water out there. Pretty Boy keeps checking it to see if maybe it has food in it. He's not really hungry he just likes food.
You should have seen him get silly yesterday morning when the human girl called us up to my big red barn to eat. We were very far away when she whistle so she didn't wait around to see if we were coming but we saw her go in the door to the barn. We waited out front. I don't know why we waited out front because our feed never comes out that front door but with all the trenching and sand bagging and this and that that has been going on feed could have come out the front door I suppose. But anyway we waited out there. Of course she went out the right door to where our feed barrels are and then she had to come looking for us. Well my Pretty Boy thought he was going to take a short cut thru the cute little car parking area. I didn't follow him in there. I stood outside that area waiting to see what was going to happen. Sure enough here came the human girl.
'What are you doing in there? Why don't you go around to where I am? No you can't go that way turn around go out the way you came in? oh do I need to open this gate? I don't think so you will want me to do it all the time if I do. You just turn your self around and come into the pasture the right way. Go on now. PRECIOUS you show this boy how to get out of that pen please.' So I did show him how. I walked in a ways and then turned around and then I looked back at him. He finally understood that he was not going to get his way. We walked all the way around like was are supposed to do and there was the human girl very happy to see us and she had us some feed too!
Later I explained to my horse why we go around the fence the way we do
to get our feed. I told him if we go the way he wanted to go this morning then the human girl has to put our feed down and undo the gate and let us out and then close the gate and then get out feed with us trying to beat her to it. But if we go along that fence we are supposed to go along then by the time we get to our feed barrels she will have our feed already in them and all we have to do is eat. And another thing I told him, now that he is feeling better, is that we do not run at the human girl for our feed. Oh no. That is a bad idea. That girl will high tail it into the barn with our feed and hide if we run at her. Not a good idea to scare the person who is giving you your feed. So I told him you walk like a gentleman and what she says. He's a good horse so I think he understood. I don't think he really meant to go into that pen. He just got to feeling better and forgot where he was for minute. Then he could see her but he couldn't get to her so he got a little excited. It all worked out okay for all of us. The human girl calls that 'A good day' and then 'Thank you for not killing me.' she says as she leaves the area in one piece.
So here we are today the day of the big hurricane hitting and only just wet out here. It is going to be wet out here for at least five days I hear. But wet out here is better than that prediction of 5 to 10 inches of rain an hour that had that human girl and House Mouse digging ditches and making dams.
It's cool out here too. Not a hot and muggy rain. More like a 'Get the children and lets us PLAY in the rain day'
I'm done talking now. Just one reminder that if you think about and plan for it you don't have to worry about it.
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