I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Might have new children to play with

Got word that we, my horse and I, might have some new children to play with soon. That would be nice because we have really missed Levi and little sister singing to us in the mornings.

We might get to see the Grandgirls of our friends who were up here visiting a few weeks ago. YES! They might be going to move up this way real close by. Like up the road around the corner and then up the road a bit more. That would be so great to have children come see us again. We just love playing with little children and giving them horsey back rides!

And these little Grandgirls I am talking about are just full of love. They jump out of the truck and hit the ground running to see us. So far the humans have been able to catch them before they get to us. But me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, are probably going to have to get used to those squeels and running leg hugs.

House Mouse was telling me that her friend recently got a horse for bigger Grandgirl to ride. It is dead broke which means no matter what she won't move till she is told to. I bet that Grandgirl is real excited today with it being Saturday she is probably right now at her Grandparents house looking at that new horse. Very exciting times going on in all this heat and dryness that's for sure.

Okay I'm going back out under the shade tree now. Talk to you later..........

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