Saturday August 23........I just ran in here for a minute to tell you that my horse's foot is a little better today and tomorrow it will be even better. Stinks to high heaven and that means the yucky stuff is draining out.
WAAAAHOOOOO! He feels much better today. Even ran a little bit when he thought that human girl was riding her four wheeler. She wasn't she was mowing but at first he didn't know because he was in our big red barn. Shoot out of there like a cannon when he heard her coming down the outside wall of our barn he did. It was pretty funny. Okay I'm done talking now. Too hot to be inside I have to go back out and find me a shade tree.....
Sunday morning UPDATE..........
Poor Pretty Boy is getting better. I knew he could do it with the human girls help. This morning his foot is not nearly as swollen as yesterday and he is putting weight on it when he is just standing YEA HIM! Tomorrow has the chance of being even better.
No matter what that is just the way it is every day. Tomorrow has the chance of being even better.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pretty Boy is getting better
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Just Ran in To Say
I just ran in here for a minute to tell you that my horse's foot is a
little better today and tomorrow it will be even better. Stinks to
high heaven and that means the yucky stuff is draining out.
WAAAAHOOOOO! He feels much better today. Even ran a little bit when he
thought that human girl was riding her four wheeler. She wasn't she
was mowing but at first he didn't know because he was in our big red
barn. Shot out of there like a cannon when he heard her coming down
the outside wall of our barn he did. It was pretty funny. Okay I'm
done talking now. Too hot to be inside I have to go back out and find
me a shade tree.....
Friday, August 22, 2008
My horse Pretty Boy
I am thinking about changing my horse's name to 'Poor Boy'. I probably won't but that is what I say to him a lot. His bad foot swelled up a little day before yesterday. The human girl soaked it in warm epsom salts that day and yesterday twice. This morning it is even worse not better. I feel so sad for him. He just keeps going like there is nothing wrong so I know he really isn't suffering but it just seems like it would have to hurt. He favors it just a little bit. Not like when he first came to live with me. No not like that. Just a little bit. This is about the third time since I got him that this has
When the human girl was out her this morning with his soaking bucket she was looking at the bottom of his foot and I heard her tell him that it sure was looking better down there. She told told him that under it there it was getting much better. That it was filling in real nice and strong. Oh well that's a good thing is what I was thinking because the other part of it is swollen! Couldn't she see that? Well I guess she could since she had brought the soaking bucket out and was putting his foot into it but still it seems odd that she would say it looks better. Maybe it was the part that she was looking at that is better. Oh that must be it. The bottom part, the part that comes in
contact with the ground is getting better. I wonder why the bottom and the top can't look better at the same time? Not for me to know I guess.
It may be a good thing that it has been raining ever since I said how dry it was out here in my pasture because that makes the ground soft for my Pretty Boy to walk on. I'm sure he will be better later today or maybe in the morning between now and then he has my heart and my prayers.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Be careful what you wish for........
......You might just get it. My pond is about full now. My horse, Pretty Boy, and I were standing on the side of it this morning discussing how nice and full of rain water it is. We didn't go into it. No there was no reason to get into the pond to get wet. We are already all wet from two or three days of rain. It rained at night too my horse tells me. It has for the most part been a wonderful beneficial rain. Gentle enough to soak in but enough to fill our pond pretty much.
My horse's hurt hoof is looking pretty good these days too. Looks to me like it is growing out nicely. That human girl does something different to it on different days. Sometimes he is a little contrary with her but she is very good at holding her ground. She tells him no no when he tries to take his foot away from her. This morning she told him 'If you will just be patient for a moment I will be done with you'. He held very still except for his mouth. He kept eating his feed. He is actually quite talented at eating standing on three legs. I am such a big girl I am not so sure I would be able to do that. I prefer to have someone brushing me when I am being made to stand on three legs. I supposed I could stand on three legs and eat at the same time but being as curious as I am I want to be able to see what some
human is doing without being distracted by eating. I wouldn't hurt anyone, not on purpose anyway, but I don't know if I could be as nice as my horse, the Pretty Boy, is. I suppose since he got injured maybe almost two years ago he is used to the humans doing things to him and is happy that it is just his hoof that is not completely healed. He can walk and trot and even run if he wants to and he can eat so what more could a horse want. He says he is just happy to be here. Maybe we should all try to keep that attitude. Maybe we should all Just be Happy to be Here.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hooray for Hay
We are very happy that the human girl put us some hay in our big red barn! We stayed in here pretty much all night last night and haven't even gone out yet this morning. She already came out here and gave us some feed so we don't even have to go wake our dog up so she will start barking and wake the human girl up. Life is SWEET!
It started raining around four yesterday afternoon. Around three there was a mist in the air but it wasn't really a good rain till four. Been raining off and on since then. Only one time about eight o'clock last night was there any lightening. Yep. Just rain rain rain YEA YEA YEA! Going to rain all day today too just as soon as it decides it is going to.
The human girl said she was going to be in the big house playing her tv games today except that she had to get new batteries for her controllers and they have to charge for at least 13 and half hours. My horse, Pretty Boy, and I are wondering how long it is going to take her to remember she has two or three other games she could play while those batteries are charging.
This is pretty odd weather for the middle of August.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Have I told you about Butterflies before? I love Butterflies and believe that they are Angels sent to comfort you if one were to land on you I would say you were being kissed by an Angel. Some people and also some other horse's may see them different but we are all entitled to our own opinions and that is a for sure fact. Butterflies fly free. They dance even when there is no wind to help them. They are just happy happy happy all the time.
Today I saw two of them doing a Waltz. Oh yes I am sure it was a Waltz just like Cinderella and her Prince were doing in that movie. They twirled high and low round and round they went and from here to there and back they were totally into doing their happy dance from beginning to end no matter what.
The human girl walked right through the middle of their dance floor before she knew they were putting on a show for us. When she saw what we were looking at she came to stand with my horse, Pretty Boy, and I to watch them finish their dance.
It was most beautiful. We don't know what it was about but it was quite complicated and must have taken them a very long time to practice it to be able to do it so well.
Maybe they were celebrating the cooler temperatures we seem to be having this week which are very appreciated for sure compared to those 100 degree days we have been having. And there was a little sprinkle of rain this morning that washed off most of my mud coat I have been wearing for two days. The human girl brushed me some but she said I had mud clean to my skin and she would have to give me a bath with a brush to get it all. I LOVE to have baths but she means that she is going to do that if it doesn't rain this weekend like the weatherman said it was going to. He said it was going to rain two to four inches. That should be enough to rinse me down and put some water in my pond so I can play in some good mushy mud come Monday. I can only hope.
Which is exactly what love does...................LOVE HOPES.....................
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Ground is dry.......
So I was standing out here thinking about how very hot and dry it is. I do not like it to be dry. I like to play in the water in the pond. But there isn’t a lot of it in there right now. If I had some pigs they would be able to be in there now playing in the mud. But I don’t have any pigs. We used to have some. They were little Pot Belly Pigs. First one big was big not little his name was ‘Iggy the Piggy’. Then we got some other ones that made other ones. Now that is something really cute to look at. Baby pigs. They look like baby elephants with no trunk. Cute cute cute. But pigs was not what I was standing out here thinking about. What I was standing out here thinking about is cracks in the ground because it is so dry.
Cracks so big a baby pig could fall in. No probably not that big. But if you were trying to play marbles you might have to play somewhere else. But anyway I was wondering how deep those cracks go. Are they just surface cracks? I have put my big head down as close as I could get my nose and tried to see down in there but it gets dark real quick when you are a giant horse standing over a little crack trying to see down into it and your big ole belly is blocking out the sunlight. Maybe the human girl could bring that spotlight out here and shine it down into one of those cracks so I could see how deep they go.
I think there is a whole other world down in there. That’s where all the moles and gophers and stuff live is down under the ground that I walk on. Oh and Grub worms and Cicadas and June bugs and crickets and grasshoppers and and and well I don't know what all lives underground but there is a lot of stuff I'm pretty sure. They probably have families and aunts and uncles and well you get the idea. There are probably stores too. Maybe not stores like the humans go to but areas where different families or groups store their stuff. I wonder if they share with each other or if everyone knows ‘that is not your stuff your stuff is over there’. Me and my horse know what is our stuff and what is not our stuff. I know that his feed barrel is the one on the North end of our big red barn and it is blue and he knows that white one out in our pasture is mine. Oh he will walk by and look in it but when it is feeding time he knows to go to his barrel not mine.
Looks like rain might make it here sometime between now and Christmas. We are very excited about that.
The human girl is out in the front pasture mowing. She said there are weeds out there. Not the thing to be cutting for hay anyway she says she says that is her front yard. Do you think she knows it’s sprinkling?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Might have new children to play with
Got word that we, my horse and I, might have some new children to play with soon. That would be nice because we have really missed Levi and little sister singing to us in the mornings.
We might get to see the Grandgirls of our friends who were up here visiting a few weeks ago. YES! They might be going to move up this way real close by. Like up the road around the corner and then up the road a bit more. That would be so great to have children come see us again. We just love playing with little children and giving them horsey back rides!
And these little Grandgirls I am talking about are just full of love. They jump out of the truck and hit the ground running to see us. So far the humans have been able to catch them before they get to us. But me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, are probably going to have to get used to those squeels and running leg hugs.
House Mouse was telling me that her friend recently got a horse for bigger Grandgirl to ride. It is dead broke which means no matter what she won't move till she is told to. I bet that Grandgirl is real excited today with it being Saturday she is probably right now at her Grandparents house looking at that new horse. Very exciting times going on in all this heat and dryness that's for sure.
Okay I'm going back out under the shade tree now. Talk to you later..........
Friday, August 1, 2008
August First
No measurable rain can be remembered for the whole month of July. Not totally true because some rain drops fell and you could measure in-between them. That is good news and bad news. The only part of it that is good news is that hay that got cut did not get rained on. The whole rest of it is bad news.
And I have just one more thing to say today..........