This is a picture of me standing nicely waiting for my turn to be saddled. There is not a picture of me still standing there long after they saddled up my Pretty Boy. Nope not a picture of me standing there waiting patiently.
There is this one though of the blonde Grandgirl riding off on my Pretty Boy. You will notice I am nowhere to be seen in that photo. That is because I am still standing at the saddling station waiting for someone anyone to put a saddle and rider on me!
I would show you the picture they have of me kicking up my heels but there really isn't much of me in it. It's mostly just hair and hooves. Well did they expect me to wait and wait and wait and not throw a fit when it became apparent that I was not going to get saddled and the pretty little blonde Grandgirl was NOT going to ride me!
Finally they felt sorry for me and put the blonde Grandgirl on my back but just for spite I would not move. Nope I had had my feelings hurt by being left out and I was just going to stand there like they left me standing before. The Grandgirl didn't even mind that I did not go anywhere. She likes to just sit on me because she can just sit there so my idea of getting even backfired.
I think next time they should let me have my saddle on too. It just only seems fair. Maybe they could put my saddle on me and the pretty blonde Grandgirl could hold onto my lead rope while she rides my Pretty Boy. Yes I think that sounds like a splendid idea. House Mouse when that girl comes out here to our barn later will you please tell her about my idea? I would appreciate it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Waiting for my saddle
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My dog Mudfoot
My dog Mudfoot does some strange things. I was standing outside her yard this morning just to wake her and then the humans up. You know I do that. I stand outside her fence and she barks at me till the human girl comes out of the big house and feeds me. Anyway this morning Mudfoot was not bothering with me. She looked at me and barked maybe a couple of times but she was very busy. Too busy to mess with me. She had important things that had to get done. She was digging holes and putting something in them and then covering them over. She did this again and again and again. I just stood there watching. I couldn't really see what she was putting in those holes. Most of the time she does that when when she is burying a bone for later. But I didn't think she was putting bones in those holes she was making she was doing it too many times. Where would she get that many bones anyway. No not bones. She kept going into her house and coming out with something that she put in those holes. Then finally she made a hole over near where I was standing on the other side of the fence. She went back to her house to get whatever it was she was getting. So now I know what she was doing. She was cleaning her house! Spring Cleaning. All the stuff she had collected over the winter to take into her house and play with she was digging holes and putting them in there. I know where she put all valuable toys now but I told her I wouldn't tell you. I told her that I would just tell the story and then tell you that her house is now very clean and ready for her summer toys.