A beautiful place with a beautiful story. And I have posted more pictures of my recent visit to this picture page: Web Album There is an official web site for Mrs. Lee's Garden with it's history Click Here to see it .
'That's me, Precious, looking at you from there in front of my horse, Pretty Boy. I am going to tell you some HORSE TAILS!!!
You better watch your back or it will get run over! The human girl got a new machine and hasn't got the hang of driving it yet. Not safe nope not safe at all. Now you all know that nothing is going to make me move but that new fangled machine sure did. I don't really know if it was the machine or that human girl yelling 'OH OH OH!!!' that made me move but move I did.
Every time that machine starts to move that human girl yells 'OH! NO!'. Scary. She drove it all over our pasture and then out in the front pasture. Stopping and starting, starting and stopping. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that every time she stops all the lights come on. Oh yes. All the lights. So for a couple of hours we heard 'OH NO OH NO OH NO' over and over again.
Then she drove that new machine to my side of the barn. Me and my horse followed her since that is where she comes out when she is bringing us something to eat. But we did not follow her into the barn. We stood WAY back out in pasture to watch her in case she started yelling again. And she did. First she got off that new machine and opened the gate up. Most of the time me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, would have gone into the barn and tried to go into that area on the other side of that gate. But between us and that area was that human girl and the new machine that makes her yell so we stayed out in the pasture to see what she was going to do. She drove that new machine into the other side of the gate area yelling the whole way. And I can't even tell you what she was yelling this time but I can tell you that she must be very afraid of walls. Yep. The closer she drove that machine to the back wall of my barn the more words she yelled. Some were very short words but some had many letters I'm sure because they took her a long time to say them.
She finally turned that new machine off and climbed out of it. Me and my horse walked a little closer to the barn but didn't go inside just in case she wasn't done yelling. She muttered some words then closed the gate. We figured it was safe to go in then.
She only just walked right in between us patting us on our sides and shaking her head. She told us. 'Well I got it in there but he is going to have to back it out.'
She's pretty funny sometimes.
Here it is just the day after Valentines Day and spring is springing all over the place! We have tender young green grass sprouting up that is just yummy to the tummy! And flowers. Well you all know how much I like flowers so you can imagine how wonderful I think it is that the Daffodils are getting an early start. Those Paper Whites flowers are not my favorite and they have been blooming here and there for at least a month maybe more. Those things will fool you with their pretty white flowers. You think to yourself that since they look so nice that they smell nice too. But I do not think so. Nope. I think NOT! And it's not just me. The girl in the big house every year gets one of those stalks of Paper White flowers and takes it into the house. Pretty much could set your watch, if you had one, to about 30 minutes. That is about how long it takes her to remember that she really really really doesn't care for the smell of those flowers no matter how pretty they are they cannot stay in the house any longer. She brings them back out and sets them on the table outside the front door way way away from the front door shaking her head the whole time mumbling 'why don't I remember....'. It's pretty funny to watch.
We had some rain off and on yesterday all day and it was pretty chilly so I didn't so swimming. Oh yes I have already been swimming this year. My horse, the Pretty Boy, says I don't really swim. He says what I do is more like SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH ROLL. Oh well whatever it is called I love to do it and I sort of like to see the look on the humans faces when they see me standing out here covered in mud everywhere but my ears. HA HAHAHA! Maybe next week it will be warm enough again for me to SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH ROLL!!!
I need to get out of here and go see where my horse went. He doesn't ever go too far from me but right now I can't see him so I gotta goooooo........
It was so good to see you the other day. I didn't know how much I had been missing you until you were there where I could touch you. The sight of you stepping up to me did my old bones good that is for sure. You know how they say that the best thing for the heart of a man is the back of a horse well the sight of you was just about as good in my book. I will take the love in your eyes and the warmth of your hug with me for a long time.
And that is how I ended up standing out here in the middle of the pasture today with a tear rolling down my cheek. If my horse asks me I will tell him 'It is the wind'. But I will know in my heart. I will know it is for times gone by and times to come. For Love. For Laughter. And for Living.
So let them have their back of a horse saying for me I will go with 'There is nothing better for the heart of a horse than the hand of a friend.'
Do you remember my horse, The Pretty Boy? That's him in the picture up there with me. Well I just wanted to let you know that he is growing a pretty nice looking hoof. Yep. Probably has nearly two inches, although me being a horse I'm exactly sure how much two inches is, of very nice solid hoof. He has more hoof than just that much but that much of it has grown in looking like it is all one part of the rest of it. That is really really great news so you be sure and tell everyone about it!
See my human girl started taking care of him like she thought was best. She said that soaking his foot twice a day for till the water went cool day after day was just making that hoof too soft and causing a stinky situation so she quit doing that. She started giving him antibiotics in his feed every day and only if it looks like it really really needs it does she soak his foot. She says she wishes she had been told about that sheep antibiotic crumbles a year sooner. She is a great believer in addressing the cause. She says if you fix the leaky toilet you don't have to keep mopping. Sometimes she says things I really don't understand but it seems to make sense to her.
And the other day she was talking to some men and told them that my horse and I are 'Yard Ornaments'. Yes we are and very nice ones at that. We are the kind of yard ornament that you sit on any time you want to rest your feet. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything but sit. We are fine with that. We will let you sit as long as you want usually. Sometimes you might have to lean back some because we might want to start grazing if you sit a really long time. But if you don't mind that please continue to sit. Our backs we have heard are good for the heart of a man and much more comfortable than those metal chairs over there under that tree.
Also my girl got a new truck. It used to belong to a man that is real nice and since I forget to remember sometimes I don't know who it is pulling in up there at the main gate. Me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, don't even go to see until whoever it is gets out of the truck.
It's the second day of February and there is already planting going on in the garden. I guess it will be not a long time now till the cows start having their calves so I will have a job to do. Probably one of my most favorite things to do is babysit those new calves. I think I will go out there to my back fence right now and see if there are any out there yet.