The little tree frog who lives in the little house in the ivy plant
hanging basket did not move out for the winter. He came in to the sun room with the ivy plant. We did not know that for about a week when I walked by and saw him peeking over the side of the pot. I was hoping since he was at dirt level he had decided to dig in for the winter. Took him and his plant outside and gave the ivy a good drink of water. I put a spray paint cap in the old bird nest in the center of the ivy plant for him a water bowl. Then I brought him and his plant back into the sun room.
Oh yes it is a multi family housing ivy plant. It has the little wooden house on a stick for the tree frog and in the center is a small bird nest that gets reused every year. Please don't anyone tell me about bugs living in bird nests.
Now back to the Tree Frog:
He spoke to me yesterday so I put him outside. I thought he said "FEED ME FEED ME" but probably in frog language he said 'There is a BIG storm coming batten down the hatches!' too bad for him I don't speak frog.
Boy you should have seen that hanging basket blowing in the raging wind and rain. Bet he's not a happy camper after living his life up to that point on the sheltered front porch or in the sun room. He got a big ole slap in the face of real life!!!!!!!! Poor little thing. I hope he's decided to hibernate.
I walked by the back side of the ivy plant this morning so I don't know if froggy is mad at me or not. Did I tell you the big girl from across the road pets him? Yes she does. She is well over six feet tall walks up to that little house and pets the frog. Rubs him on top of his head and scratches him under his chin. I do not do that.
I do not want him in my house awake all winter either. I don't mind if they burrow into the soil of the potted plants and stay hidden from me but I do not want to see them. In the spring the first one that makes a noise gets all the plants put outside.
We have a friend who brought two tree frogs in with his potted plants last year and he found them in different places all over his house all winter. I would not like that. I would not like to walk into the bathroom and there be a frog sitting on the mirror. Or go to the laundry room and find one sitting on the cabinet above the washer. He said he never knew where they would be because you know they have little suction cup feet. They could be beside you above you below you they could be anywhere they wanted to be which just would be not a good thing in the house all winter. Not a good thing in the sun room either. Yep not even in one room do I want a Tree Frog to be looking at me all winter. Or talking to me for sure till learn tree frog language.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tree Frog
Friday, November 20, 2009
Clown Horse
All this time we have been thinking that the big Pretty Boy was probably a rodeo horse. Maybe a calf ropers horse. Then we found out that he was being ridden as a barrel racer. Well that explains how he can make such quick turns. But today the girl found out that he is a Clown horse.
Funny Funny Funny to see so try to picture this as you read what the girl told me to write for you.
Oh I have thought in the past that the Pretty Boy might have been a cow horse or a calf roping horse in the rodeo. Then I heard he was being ridden as a barrel racing horse even with his half hoof. But today I found out the truth. Oh Yes I did and it is not what we have been thinking.
That boy was a clown's horse!!!! Positively sure about that. I leaned over to pick up a bucket laying on the ground and that boy knocked me with his big ole head about six feet. Got my balance, got upright and turned around to look at him thinking I was fixing to say things a child shouldn't hear. But as I whipped around to lay some words on him he quickly turned his head so his nose was darn near pointing at his butt! Thinking it might be a coincidence I turned my head back around and got the bucket. Whipped back around he did it again. I told him 'Well you big old clown you! You KNOW what you just did to me don't you!' He turned to look at me just a little bit then all the way with his nose getting closer and closer to the ground as he turned that giant head. 'You silly boy! I guess that was just something you HAD to do but don't you be doing it to me again.'
I think he smiled. I know I did.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Scared Pony
We had a visitor here for a few weeks we were training. Pretty little thing but a skeerdy cat. Not really a cat she was a pony but she was scared. Just about everything bothered her. We had to teach her to just settle down. Just remain calm because jumping and running is not the right thing to do. It's okay to twitch but not jump kick and run. You have to breathe in and think.
Thinking is the key. You have to think you are going to be okay. That the human girl will be expecting us to be brave horse's is just something we keep in the back of our heads. She knows we know how to act.
But storms are scary things for little pony's who have not had someone to hold them and tell them it's going to be all right. Little pony's who have been left out in the pasture alone can get scared and not know what to do. So they brought us that pony.
We stood still and she stood still. When things were going to be scary me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, stood on each side of her to show her we were there to take care of her. If we saw storm clouds coming, real storm clouds not just dark clouds, we made sure we took the little pony to our safe place.
A safe place doesn't even have to be a real place but we have one of those. Our old barn is our safe place. We can be just anywhere and go to our safe place in our minds. That was a little hard to explain to the little pony.
We told her to just think about the pasture full of green grass and the pond full of water with our tummy's full of grain. But then the thunder would come and she could not fit that loud noise into her green pasture with the pretty pond and a tummy full of grain. And then when the storm was closer and there was lightening before the thunder well that was just two things to frighten that little pony.
What to do what to do. My Pretty Boy said she was just going to have to learn how to think her way past it. I said that she couldn't think when she was so scared she was shaking. So we took her into our big red barn and asked the House Mouse what we could do to comfort the little pony.
The House Mouse said what she did was go into her small nest with it's fluffy floor and try to be asleep before the loudness got started good. Well it was too late for us to do that and then we felt bad that we had woken the House Mouse up out of her hidey hole. But she said not to worry everything would be fine. She said we could sing songs or listen to music.
What music?, we asked her. There is no music. Oh yes there is if you listen you can hear it. The sound of the rain is very hard to hear way down here in the bottom of the barn so you have to really concentrate. Then when you can hear it you tap your finger. Pretty soon you are tapping your toes too and the thunder is your foot hitting the drums!
Oh what a wonderful idea we will start a band and we can practice when it is raining so we have something to do.
The House Mouse said that is exactly the right thing to do. You have to think everything will be fine that you have time to practice your music or play your game or take a nap or whatever it is that you want to do that will make you not think about the storm outside. She said that the human people have games that they play while sitting in the storm shelter and sometimes they don't even come out when the storm is over because they have not finished their game.
There are a lot of things to do when a storm is approaching so that before it gets here we are ready for it. We decide where we want to be and what we want to be doing then we are ready.
By the time the pretty little pony went home she was much better about being scared. Of course there will be times she forgets she is a brave girl but they will get less and less as she gets older. And now that she has skills she can teach them to the chickens and the goats at her house. Maybe she can even find a barn cat to talk to when storms come so that she doesn't get scared. As long as she has someone/something else to think about then that is less time she has to think about what is scaring her.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Here I am!
Boy did that summer go by fast here it is already towards the end of a dry dry August. My horse, the Pretty Boy, is doing well and I am fine just fine thank you.
Yes I am. There is no need to pick my foot up and look under it. No need at all. You can pick up that one on the other side and look all you want but this one I am keeping on the ground. Blood on a rock? Not my blood I assure you. No really I'm fine. I will back up one step but I will not lift that foot. Push on me all you want that foot is staying on the ground and I am not kidding. You can stop now because you are not going to win. I weight about a million pounds more than you do and all your pushing is getting you no where. Oh you don't think so. Well let me show you how many different ways I can move without taking that foot off the ground or even ever taking enough weight off of it to give you half a chance of picking it up. See I told you. I'm fine walk away just walk away. Go on now nothing to see here. Move along move along. OH! Do you see that! HA! There you go I'm outta here now. See you later! hahahaha tricked you and now I'm gone!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Worming Day
Do I know my human girl or what!! Today is worming day. I know because I saw my horse, the Pretty Boy, already get his.
Then she came over to me and tried to put that 'thing' in my mouth. Well I'm not stoooid nope not me. I put my head down. Down Down Down till my nose was on the ground.
See I don't have a halter on so she couldn't do anything about that. If I had raised my head up there is a good chance my human girl would have just grabbed a handful of my mane hair and pulled my head down but no way could she reach me way way way down here on the ground. HA I WIN!
She has walked away. I knew I could outsmart her. I don't like that stuff and I said NO. Good for me -what? she's coming and she has a halter?!!!! I gotta go I GOTTA HIGH TAIL IT OUTTA HERE FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friends came to visit
Me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, had friends come to visit us yesterday morning. Four of the horse's from across the road walked over to see us. They are very beautiful horse's. We didn't get to visit with them very long though because Terisa was outside and they heard her.
Terisa lives over there to the East. She was putting stuff in her garage and the big horse went to see what she was doing. We heard her say 'God love me!' so the other three horses went to see how come she said that. When they got over there where she was we heard her say 'God Loves me A LOT!' she was soooo happy to see those horse's. She yelled to me 'Look Precious! Look what God sent me!'
But then Daryl came out and told her they were not her horse's and he was going to have to find out who they belonged to. She got to stay outside and pet them until he came back out and told her they had to go back across the road.
Well at least they just live down across the road so she can still go visit with them if she wants to.
Just made my heart feel good to see her so happy and feeling so blessed.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My favorite neighbor was over here yesterday morning getting Cataba worms to go fishing with and while she was here she told my human girl that my horse, The Pretty Boy, was mean. 'Mean? Him?' 'Yes him. When I am giving them sweet treats he doesn't want to share with her and he gets mean towards her.'
"OH!" Said my human girl 'that explains that.' 'Explains what?' my favorite neighbor asked. 'That explains how it is that we don't give her hardly any feed lately but she isn't losing any weight only getting bigger and bigger.' LOL!!!
I surely did not want my human girl to know about those sweet treats. She thought that my favorite neighbor was just giving us a handful of deer corn and she was ok with that. I'm not so sure she is ok with us getting all those sweet treats. I know I wouldn't like it if I didn't get them anymore because they are sooooo very good but I guess I would understand if we didn't get to have so many of them all the time. I would understand but I wouldn't like it. Nope I wouldn't like it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A story by the human girl
Hi! I'm sure Precious will have her own version of the morning she had but I get to go first because she is over chatting it up with her friends over the West fence.
Levi and Layni got here about 6 or so this morning. You remember them. They used to live across the road and sing to us every morning before they moved off to live in town.
Such good horse's and such tiny children. They are 3 and 5 now but don't weigh more than a feather even though they are as tall as 5 and 7 year olds.
Before 8 we had already been out gathering cataba worms and rode the horses.
I put a lead rope on the boy and rode them in circles doubled up. Then they picked 'their' horses and wanted to be on them at the same time.
'But Precious doesn't have on a halter so no rope.' 'so' 'so she will
oh well fine I'll throw you up there' Levi got on his horse that has
been his horse for years he says and Layni got on her pretty boy. She
wanted to know his name. Pretty Boy. 'Oh I knew that!' Precious
started backing up. Levi was laid back on her back looking at the
clouds. He said whoa whoa whoa and she did, just long enough for him
to sit up. He said 'what is she doing that for?' 'maybe trying to back out from under you grab some hair and bale off'.' 'can I do that?' 'we won't
know till you try'. Layni was starting to get nervous. 'I want off I
want off!' 'I can't be in two places at once he isn't moving so don't
you move'. 'OK' whew.
Such precious children.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Stupid snake won't do that again I bet
Stupid snake let the human girl see it climbing the pipe to the pipe that goes over the top of my water trough. She went to the big house and came back with a rifle. I heard her say 'If you are in there you better get out! Can't have you hanging out where me and the horse's do so you have to go on.' But he didn't listen to her till later. So she shot her bb rifle into that pipe. Again and again about six times. Then we watched her walk to the other end of the pipe and look.........and yelp! HAHAHA That was funny. Me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, both jumped when she did that. I think that snake must have been looking back at her when she was looking to see if it was at that end of the pipe is what I told my horse. And then she backed up a few steps and shot into that pipe again. Three or four more times. Then she stepped back even farther and we did too. That snake was coming out of that pipe and he didn't look happy.
Apparently she hit him with one of her bb's because halfway out of the pipe he fell to the ground. She shot at him again and again and again. Each time she shot she said shoot.
When she came to our barn later to feed us she told me what had happened....
A stupid snake slithered up the pipe to the cross pipe over the water trough, it was three feet long at least but not fat. I decided that if he thought he was going to hang out in that pipe I walk by and you and your horse are by all the time he had to die. Came back to the house. First rifle I picked up was my bb rifle. Not the high powered one either just the cute as a bug one. Brass bb's that'll work. Well I couldn't find him on the ground in the area so I decided he did go into that cross pipe over the tank. Bad boy have to die now. Bird nests in there. I shot thru the pipe about six times. Sometimes my bb made sparks inside that pipe. Then I thought I should go to the other end and see if I could see him better. He was looking at me!!!!!!! I shot a few more times and he decided he didn't want to be in there anymore. I injured him about 3/4 of the way down his nasty body. Probably 15 bb's into that dark pipe and I only hit him the one time. Never got him again even though I tried as he slithered on the ground towards the backyard!! Well shoot. The baby dog is out in the back yard and I can't get there from here. hurry hurry hurry don't think about the pain just hurry and get that dog or he will never forgive you. Got the dog never found the wounded snake. Put the rifle up and saw howcome I couldn't see thru the scope. Caps were on it. Didn't really need it but would have liked to have been able to back up a little farther than I was able to do.
And that's the story the human girl told us about her snake hunt. It was a lot funnier to watch then to hear about.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Safe Haven Equine Rescue
Safe Haven Equine Rescue is where we got my horse The Pretty Boy and they are in super need of our help. This spring has brought them many many many horse's who needed their help and their love but with this comes the added expensive of feeding, doctoring, and caring for our friends. We need you to go to their web site and see some of the beautiful horse's that have recently come to be cared for by these fine people. And while you are visiting there maybe you could help them out a little or a lot. Say a prayer for them too because they are truly Angels.
Click here (or where ever you see the words Safe Haven on this web site) to go to Safe Haven Equine Rescue web site. Bless their hearts.
It is a very happy day today because it is the Birthday of the Grand Princess LayLay! YES!!! Good for her! Three cheers! WOOOOPPPPEEEEEE!!!!
Isn't that great! Eight years! Why she is not really that much younger than I am.....much smaller but not that much younger. I should do a happy dance in celebration of this wonderful day! The human man isn't around out here so it is safe for me to kick up my heels so off I go................
The Pretty Boy here, Precious is out in the pasture dancing and running. I don't know why I just knew it was a good idea to get in here out of her way. She came out of this barn like she was starting a horse race and grinning from ear to ear. OH! Now I know I just heard what she was saying when she ran by here....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Got myself in trouble
I got myself in big trouble but it was worth it! The human man caught me inside the barn with my head in the feed barrel yesterday afternoon. I'm lucky it was him and not the human girl. He came in the barn and was very surprised to see me in there. He opened the big front door and told me I had to get out then he went to tell on me. I tried to stand in his way because I knew what he was going to do but he told me 'Go on now' so I had to. After I thought about it for a minute I decided it would be best it I went way way away before he found the human girl and told her what I had been caught doing.
Sure enough he told on me and sure enough she was not happy with me. Oh but that feed was soooooo good!! My horse, The Pretty Boy, didn't go inside with me so when the human girl found the door pulled loose I was the only one to blame. Then she saw where I had eaten a lot of my boys special feed and then split the rest of it. And then she opened the feed barrel to see how much I had eaten. Apparently that was important.
My horse got to have some feed because he was still in the barn behaving himself. When I saw him getting some food I went to get me some. Boy was that a bad idea. The human girl explained to me how I wasn't going to get any and how I wasn't supposed to have gone inside the barn and how I had made a mess she had to clean up and by golly I best just get myself out in that pasture and start walking it off if I knew what was good for me. So I did. I walked clear across the pasture to the other side of my pond since I am not a stupid horse.
The human man kept coming out looking for me the rest of the day right up to dark thirty. I would hear him say 'She's still standing and eating grass!'. Since that seemed to make him happy I kept doing it.
Someone should remind me that just because a door or a gate gets left open doesn't mean that I am supposed to go where I know I am not supposed to go.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Nece lost us
Nece said she couldn't find us. She said that she was gone for awhile and when she came back we were gone.
She is so silly. We have been right here the whole time. We think she just didn't look in the right place for us. We were over there under the trees in the shade or maybe we were down in the pond but where ever we were we were here, we really were.
We don't know when Nece will come back to see us. Maybe she is here right now but looking in the wrong place again. Or maybe she is here right now and if I turn around I would see her.......................nope. She's not here in my barn but I see some other humans.
The other humans are unloading a trailer and it doesn't have anything on it for me. That's what they just said when they saw me looking. 'Nothing for you girl!' oh well I'm going to go see what they are doing anyway.
Now I know what they are doing out there. They are going to put some more metal on my barn on the top part. The top part where our Grand Princess LayLay plays. They are going to make it all pretty for her. They have already put some of her windows back in that blew out in that storm this past winter. Now they are saying they are going to fix it so that the rain doesn't get in there. That will be nice for our Grand Princess LayLay. Hey! Maybe Nece will come to see GP LayLay's country castle and when she does she will see me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, too! That might be nice and then Nece could maybe take a picture of us for if she can't find us again she can look at the picture!
Yep Sometimes I have some pretty good ideas that's for sure.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Human girl on injured list
Our human girl is hurt. We haven't seen much of her for almost a week. She was out here this morning for breakfast but she didn't feed us she just watched. She told me that she would come out here later and tell me what's going on. All we know is that she stays inside pretty much. My horse really really misses her attention so we hope she gets better soon. My horse, the Pretty Boy, says we should pray for her to get better soon.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Boy that was a close one
This time I didn't line up with my horse The Pretty Boy. I don't really know why I didn't but I didn't. I actually walked way over there watching from a distance. You know it has become my habit to line up with him on his left side just in case someone wants to ride me or pet me or brush me or tend to me in some special way.
But not today. Today I watched. And a good thing too because here came that human girl with a rope. oh Something was up for sure. She got hold of my horse and talked to him real nice and quiet. I started to think I was very happy I was standing way out there watching.
She walked my horse, The Pretty Boy, into the barn. I wanted to walk over and see what was going on but I also didn't want to walk over and see what was going on. I knew it wasn't that he was just going to get his bad foot soaked something else was up I could almost smell it in the air.
And then I couldn't stand there anymore not being able to see what was going on. Maybe he was getting a bath, or a brushing or maybe even getting his hooves painted. Maybe she was giving him a carrot!!! Oh I HAVE to go see I just HAVE TO.
About the time I got where I could see but not too close in case she decided she was going to catch me up too I saw what was going on. My horse was not happy. It is worming day and he was getting pasted. Oh I feel sorry for him because that is a small container not the big one that tastes and smells like green apples. Pooor big boy. But he only pulled his head up one time. Then he took his medicine right in his mouth no bother at all. What a good horse I have huh!
Me? I don't get that paste wormer stuff. No way no how. I get mine mixed in my feed. It's pellets and I don't even know I have been given wormer till someone tells me.
That's the kind my horse usually gets too but this time he got that different stuff. I guess that is because he is special since he is my horse and a very good boy indeed.
We are good to go for another six weeks if you want to come ride us!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A kitchen sink in my barn
There is a kitchen sink in my barn. It's on the ground beside the jeep. Oh did I not tell you I have a jeep in my barn? I tell you those humans are taking over.
But let me tell you what I know about that kitchen sink. Apparently it is the human girls favorite sink but it's no good anymore. The human man is trying to get a replacement for it.
He was sent to 'look' at one and report back. He bought it. 'Stupid sink. Less than 6 inches deep, not very big but the main thing is that it is not square!! NO it is not. It is rounded at the bottom. Sinks are not round, Lavatory's are round at the bottom!' That is what I heard the human girl saying as she stood looking into the back of the truck.
The next day she was telling me about that new sink. She said she is trying to be nice since he installed it and repiped all by himself. But a yellow tupperware strainer will not even work in the silly thing.
Now two weeks later she is done being nice. She was out here four times the day before yesterday measuring her old sink and mumbling.
She told the human man to either get her a new sink or a new dog! Can't wash his stupid dog in it because as little as she is she is too big for it she said. She had him standing out here in my barn looking at her old sink while she talked to him.
She gave him a cutting board. Plastic cutting mat really. Told him 'this has to fit in the bottom of the sink flat'. She showed him how it fit into the bottom of the old sink flat. Off he went. He could get a farm house sink, one with two different size sinks or a normal one as long as that cutting mat fit flat in the bottom.
He came home with another new kitchen sink. First one cost him 99 dollars faucet included, this one 88 dollars no faucet. Oh so proud of himself he announced 'This one is 8 inches deep!' Puffed up chest like a turkey proud he was. 'Oh that's great honey does the cutting mat fit flat in it?' the human girl asked him ever so nicely. 'huh?' was the noise that came out of the human man right before he said again 'It is 8 inches deep!' By now he is looking more like a peacock than a turkey but he was still thinking he had done a wonderful thing and he was rubbing my neck the whole time telling me to look at how shiny that new sink was.
The cutting mat does not fit flat in the bottom of it. He had the cutting mat with it but seemed to have forgotten the part about it supposed to be laying flat in the bottom of that sink. You would think that the human man would know that when that human girl tells us to do something we are supposed to do what she said for us to do not what we want to do sort of like what she told us to do.
I started backing up. This was not looking good for the human man. He backed up a little too. My horse, The Pretty Boy, had already left the area.
The human girl said to the man 'Go get the dog. If she fits in it I'll keep it.' She fit.
Whew that was a little scary there for minute. I still don't know why that human man didn't get what he was supposed to get. The human girl showed him exactly what he needed to get. But she was pretty nice to him like she is to us most of the time. I don't know if it was because he looked so proud of himself or she figured out that he had tried the best he could.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A Royal Visit
We had a royal visit from the Grand Princess LayLay recently. My how big she is getting now that she is almost eight years old. And oh her hair! It is nearly as pretty as my mane. She is for sure the Princess LayLa's daughter. No fear in her. Even with me and my horse being so very much larger than her she wasn't scared.
She told my horse, The Pretty Boy, to 'Back UP' one time and he did. He backed up as quick as he could and he kept going backwards till he backed right into a wall before he stopped. The Grand Princess LayLay told him 'Good Boy' which made him a very happy horse. She liked riding on my horse too. He got to wear the pretty Abetta saddle and I got to wear none. But I already told you about that so no since whining over no saddle I suppose. Although I would like for you to remember that they didn't put a saddle on me.......
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Waiting for my saddle
This is a picture of me standing nicely waiting for my turn to be saddled. There is not a picture of me still standing there long after they saddled up my Pretty Boy. Nope not a picture of me standing there waiting patiently.
There is this one though of the blonde Grandgirl riding off on my Pretty Boy. You will notice I am nowhere to be seen in that photo. That is because I am still standing at the saddling station waiting for someone anyone to put a saddle and rider on me!
I would show you the picture they have of me kicking up my heels but there really isn't much of me in it. It's mostly just hair and hooves. Well did they expect me to wait and wait and wait and not throw a fit when it became apparent that I was not going to get saddled and the pretty little blonde Grandgirl was NOT going to ride me!
Finally they felt sorry for me and put the blonde Grandgirl on my back but just for spite I would not move. Nope I had had my feelings hurt by being left out and I was just going to stand there like they left me standing before. The Grandgirl didn't even mind that I did not go anywhere. She likes to just sit on me because she can just sit there so my idea of getting even backfired.
I think next time they should let me have my saddle on too. It just only seems fair. Maybe they could put my saddle on me and the pretty blonde Grandgirl could hold onto my lead rope while she rides my Pretty Boy. Yes I think that sounds like a splendid idea. House Mouse when that girl comes out here to our barn later will you please tell her about my idea? I would appreciate it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My dog Mudfoot
My dog Mudfoot does some strange things. I was standing outside her yard this morning just to wake her and then the humans up. You know I do that. I stand outside her fence and she barks at me till the human girl comes out of the big house and feeds me. Anyway this morning Mudfoot was not bothering with me. She looked at me and barked maybe a couple of times but she was very busy. Too busy to mess with me. She had important things that had to get done. She was digging holes and putting something in them and then covering them over. She did this again and again and again. I just stood there watching. I couldn't really see what she was putting in those holes. Most of the time she does that when when she is burying a bone for later. But I didn't think she was putting bones in those holes she was making she was doing it too many times. Where would she get that many bones anyway. No not bones. She kept going into her house and coming out with something that she put in those holes. Then finally she made a hole over near where I was standing on the other side of the fence. She went back to her house to get whatever it was she was getting. So now I know what she was doing. She was cleaning her house! Spring Cleaning. All the stuff she had collected over the winter to take into her house and play with she was digging holes and putting them in there. I know where she put all valuable toys now but I told her I wouldn't tell you. I told her that I would just tell the story and then tell you that her house is now very clean and ready for her summer toys.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mrs. Lee's Garden

A beautiful place with a beautiful story. And I have posted more pictures of my recent visit to this picture page: Web Album There is an official web site for Mrs. Lee's Garden with it's history Click Here to see it .
Friday, February 20, 2009
Watch your back!
You better watch your back or it will get run over! The human girl got a new machine and hasn't got the hang of driving it yet. Not safe nope not safe at all. Now you all know that nothing is going to make me move but that new fangled machine sure did. I don't really know if it was the machine or that human girl yelling 'OH OH OH!!!' that made me move but move I did.
Every time that machine starts to move that human girl yells 'OH! NO!'. Scary. She drove it all over our pasture and then out in the front pasture. Stopping and starting, starting and stopping. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that every time she stops all the lights come on. Oh yes. All the lights. So for a couple of hours we heard 'OH NO OH NO OH NO' over and over again.
Then she drove that new machine to my side of the barn. Me and my horse followed her since that is where she comes out when she is bringing us something to eat. But we did not follow her into the barn. We stood WAY back out in pasture to watch her in case she started yelling again. And she did. First she got off that new machine and opened the gate up. Most of the time me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, would have gone into the barn and tried to go into that area on the other side of that gate. But between us and that area was that human girl and the new machine that makes her yell so we stayed out in the pasture to see what she was going to do. She drove that new machine into the other side of the gate area yelling the whole way. And I can't even tell you what she was yelling this time but I can tell you that she must be very afraid of walls. Yep. The closer she drove that machine to the back wall of my barn the more words she yelled. Some were very short words but some had many letters I'm sure because they took her a long time to say them.
She finally turned that new machine off and climbed out of it. Me and my horse walked a little closer to the barn but didn't go inside just in case she wasn't done yelling. She muttered some words then closed the gate. We figured it was safe to go in then.
She only just walked right in between us patting us on our sides and shaking her head. She told us. 'Well I got it in there but he is going to have to back it out.'
She's pretty funny sometimes.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Springing into Spring
Here it is just the day after Valentines Day and spring is springing all over the place! We have tender young green grass sprouting up that is just yummy to the tummy! And flowers. Well you all know how much I like flowers so you can imagine how wonderful I think it is that the Daffodils are getting an early start. Those Paper Whites flowers are not my favorite and they have been blooming here and there for at least a month maybe more. Those things will fool you with their pretty white flowers. You think to yourself that since they look so nice that they smell nice too. But I do not think so. Nope. I think NOT! And it's not just me. The girl in the big house every year gets one of those stalks of Paper White flowers and takes it into the house. Pretty much could set your watch, if you had one, to about 30 minutes. That is about how long it takes her to remember that she really really really doesn't care for the smell of those flowers no matter how pretty they are they cannot stay in the house any longer. She brings them back out and sets them on the table outside the front door way way away from the front door shaking her head the whole time mumbling 'why don't I remember....'. It's pretty funny to watch.
We had some rain off and on yesterday all day and it was pretty chilly so I didn't so swimming. Oh yes I have already been swimming this year. My horse, the Pretty Boy, says I don't really swim. He says what I do is more like SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH ROLL. Oh well whatever it is called I love to do it and I sort of like to see the look on the humans faces when they see me standing out here covered in mud everywhere but my ears. HA HAHAHA! Maybe next week it will be warm enough again for me to SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH ROLL!!!
I need to get out of here and go see where my horse went. He doesn't ever go too far from me but right now I can't see him so I gotta goooooo........
Friday, February 6, 2009
It was so good to see you
It was so good to see you the other day. I didn't know how much I had been missing you until you were there where I could touch you. The sight of you stepping up to me did my old bones good that is for sure. You know how they say that the best thing for the heart of a man is the back of a horse well the sight of you was just about as good in my book. I will take the love in your eyes and the warmth of your hug with me for a long time.
And that is how I ended up standing out here in the middle of the pasture today with a tear rolling down my cheek. If my horse asks me I will tell him 'It is the wind'. But I will know in my heart. I will know it is for times gone by and times to come. For Love. For Laughter. And for Living.
So let them have their back of a horse saying for me I will go with 'There is nothing better for the heart of a horse than the hand of a friend.'
Monday, February 2, 2009
Remember my horse The Pretty Boy?
Do you remember my horse, The Pretty Boy? That's him in the picture up there with me. Well I just wanted to let you know that he is growing a pretty nice looking hoof. Yep. Probably has nearly two inches, although me being a horse I'm exactly sure how much two inches is, of very nice solid hoof. He has more hoof than just that much but that much of it has grown in looking like it is all one part of the rest of it. That is really really great news so you be sure and tell everyone about it!
See my human girl started taking care of him like she thought was best. She said that soaking his foot twice a day for till the water went cool day after day was just making that hoof too soft and causing a stinky situation so she quit doing that. She started giving him antibiotics in his feed every day and only if it looks like it really really needs it does she soak his foot. She says she wishes she had been told about that sheep antibiotic crumbles a year sooner. She is a great believer in addressing the cause. She says if you fix the leaky toilet you don't have to keep mopping. Sometimes she says things I really don't understand but it seems to make sense to her.
And the other day she was talking to some men and told them that my horse and I are 'Yard Ornaments'. Yes we are and very nice ones at that. We are the kind of yard ornament that you sit on any time you want to rest your feet. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything but sit. We are fine with that. We will let you sit as long as you want usually. Sometimes you might have to lean back some because we might want to start grazing if you sit a really long time. But if you don't mind that please continue to sit. Our backs we have heard are good for the heart of a man and much more comfortable than those metal chairs over there under that tree.
Also my girl got a new truck. It used to belong to a man that is real nice and since I forget to remember sometimes I don't know who it is pulling in up there at the main gate. Me and my horse, The Pretty Boy, don't even go to see until whoever it is gets out of the truck.
It's the second day of February and there is already planting going on in the garden. I guess it will be not a long time now till the cows start having their calves so I will have a job to do. Probably one of my most favorite things to do is babysit those new calves. I think I will go out there to my back fence right now and see if there are any out there yet.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Boy has this weather been something lately. Summer then Winter, Spring then Fall. With the weather not being able to make up it's mind and the holiday goings on we have been in and out of the barn about a million times more than usual.
Yesterday we just decided to lay down out in the front pasture in the sunshine and take a nap. It had been grey and raining for two straight days but by the third day in the afternoon the sun had really warmed up the earth for us. It was great. We were laying out there back to hoof, head to tail and at an angle which is unusual for us. We usually lay pretty much the same way just back to back. Slept a good long while too till that human girl walked by ever so quietly on her way to the road to check the mailbox. We pretended not to notice. She went the long way around on her way back to the house which was very nice of her.
We have green grass to graze on since the weather has been not too cold and we have gotten rain. Green grass is really good to eat. It's sweet.
Been a long time since I've been able to talk with everything going on so I'll try to catch you up.... The wonderful children that used to live across the road came for a visit the day before Christmas. They brought their dog, Dixie, who is a very nice rat terrier/jack russel mix. It was really great to hear them again. We really miss their laughter.
My horse, The Pretty Boy, is growing himself a whole hoof! We would put a lot of explaination points there but we don't want to brag. So far he has about one whole inch of hoof that is not even cracked at all. Randal should be coming to see us next week and he is going to be very surprised at what he sees for sure. He didn't think my horse would ever grow a whole hoof ever again. He didn't know our human girl is so good I guess. She spent one year doing things the way she was told to do them and then started taking care of him the way she thought he needed to be taken care of. We are so proud of both of them.
On Christmas day there was a lady here from Kilgore that said she has an 8 month old horse that does what she tells it to do when she just clicks and points. Of course my human girl had to brag on me since I am so very smart and mind so well. She told that lady 'Our Precious is also very well trained! She will back up if you ask her too and put your shoulder into her chest and push her. Yes ma'am she will back up every time if you do that.' I just love it when she brags on me.
But I really am learning to be nice. My horse, The Pretty Boy, is teaching me. He pays attention to our human girl and will do whatever she tells him to do or signals him to do. Yesterday when we were going down the trail to the barn I was in front of my horse and when she put her right arm out at the fork in the trail I knew that meant we were supposed to take the right fork and I did it. My human girl hugged my neck for being such a good girl when came out from the barn with my evening feed. I might try doing what I am asked to do again and see if she gives me another hug.
She has been working on the fence when we have pretty days that are warm. Between properties there is barbed wire fencing that almost always has a wire tie or two that have come undone off the t-posts. She likes to fix it when it is warm so she doesn't catch her puffy coat on the fence. My human man said we might be getting some pipe fencing this year.
Okay that's enough for now. I need to get back out in the pasture and eat me some grass and also I think I need a big long drink of cool water. See YA!