I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Monday, March 31, 2008

How the Tail began

The first post was Titled 'And so the Tail Begins.....' and I like it so much I am going to post it again. I may even make it a regular thing that tell the house mouse to do for me. OK I will not 'tell' her to do it I will 'ask' her to do it for me. Asking is so much nicer. And when done properly will be more likely to get you what you want or at least what you need even if you didn't know you needed it. So here goes a repeat of the first post....

He was kind enough to adopt her a horse of her own.........

Fun fun day

Now THAT was Fun!

My horse, Pretty Boy, and I had big fun with our human girl this afternoon. You see when she brought the bucket out to soak his foot this morning he went over to her thinking she was bringing him some more feed so when she went back in the big house we made a plan for the next time she came out with that white bucket. And by golly it worked like a charm. We had FUN FUN FUN!!!

She got my Pretty Boy and put a lead rope on him. Then she lead him over to a fence post where she had her white bucket of water. As she started tying him to the fence post I made noise on the pipe fence with my hoof which got our dog, Mudfoot, to barking. She told me to ‘stop that’ and finished tying up my horse. Then she bent over to pick his big ole foot up and put it in that bucket so I banged my foot on the big gate. Yes you know it that dog went to howling again and the human girl said again ‘stop that Precious’. So I just stood over there by the gate looking like I didn’t know what she was talking about while my horse pulled his foot out of the bucket! Mercy me it was funny. She said 'Put your foot back in that bucket boy! Pick it up pick it up pick it up bend your leg bend your leg bend your leg Thank You now leave it in there.' It looked like he might be going to do what she said so I had to step in. I walked over there and asked her to please pet me. I needed her to scratch my nose. So of course she did because I am a nice horse. This time the boy pulled his foot out but didn't pick it up far enough and over the bucket went. She just threw her hands up in the air and said 'I give up but I will be back!!'

Friday, March 28, 2008

Red Bud Tree

Here it is Friday again all day

Today there has been a lot of human traffic all over the farm. First one and then another one here there and everywhere doing all kinds of thing. The human man, my owner, was out early this morning cutting Wisteria. Wisteria smells good this time of year but it can get away from you in a big hurry if you don’t keep it clipped back is what he told me. Then later the human girl came out but she was just clipping wisteria flowers. She takes them into the big house since they smell so good. I don’t have to have any cut and put into my barn because I can smell them anyway.

There is some rain sprinkling down out of the sky and that makes those guinea hens act funny. I guess they get excited thinking it is food falling on them but it is just water. Water doesn’t bother me. I like water. I stand out in the rain to get wet because I like to it so much. My horse, The Pretty Boy, doesn’t stand out in it like I do. He goes into our big red barn and watches it rain or just sometimes even turns his back so he can’t even see it.

Oh! I see the humans have put the hummingbird feeders out. Well not all of them just one but that must mean the hummingbirds are back. Those are pretty interesting birds but they are hard for me to see since they are so tiny and move so fast. Sometimes we have so many of them here on the farm you can hear them buzzing like the honey bee’s on the fruit trees in the springtime.

My human friend, Abigail, might be coming to see me this weekend. She is a pretty human girl. Her grandma said maybe she will be coming down to get horsey rides. I know how to be nice to her because she does not run at me and is not scared of me. She is a friend of the human boy across the street that sings to me. They are nice human children. My horse is going to let them ride him too he told me so. He said he may not be able take them very far but he will let them ride him some if we play out in the pasture not on the rocky road. It is fun to play with the human children. I love to hear them giggle and laugh.

Ok the rain might be getting thicker so I am going to run out and graze some more see you later……….

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pony Rides by house mouse

Hard to find anyone who remembers the little pony that used to come around in town years ago offering to let the little children sit on the pony and get their picture made. Boy was that a lot of fun. All the little cowboys and cowgirls would put on the little red hat. The boys would put on the little chaps and the girls too maybe. They were the cutest little pictures. Of course you might be asking yourself how a house mouse who lives in a big red barn would know anything about such things and you would right in wondering about that. I know I have never been to town and long ago was a very long time ago but I do know about that pony and the pictures. I know because I found one of those pictures yesterday and looked at it before I ate it.

-house mouse-

And now a word from Precious..........
I WANT FEED AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!! Seems that human girl has put us on a diet. She says there is green grass and hay for us to eat and if we don't cut down on our feed then we are going to be Elephants instead of horse's. Well I for one have been an elephant before and do not have a problem being an elephant again. I did not have elephant ears of course in case you were wondering. But I did hear many exclaim 'My goodness she is as big as an elephant!' and they were all smiling and happy when they said that so it must not really be such a bad thing to be the way I see it. But the human girl says that elephant it only OK if I am going to have a baby horse and I am not so I do not get to be an elephant this spring. Oh well maybe if it keeps raining I can be a hippopotomoose!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

So much going on today....

So much going on today we don’t know where to look so we are just running all over the place. Holiday weekend and everyone on the road is out playing. There are four wheelers going up and down the road with boys yelling like cowboys. And cowboys in wagon’s and on horseback being as happy as the boys. My horse and I are just running running running so we do not miss any of the fun.

I am really proud of my horse. The Pretty Boy is keeping up with me when I am running. Not when I am running as fast as I can he can’t yet but when I am just running not tail up running he can keep up with me! Yes we are very proud of that boy today.

And we heard from the Queen of Squatamala that the Grand Prince and Princess were behaving like Indians and it was a good thing. She said that the King of Squatamala has made them their own Bows so they can shoot arrows like real Indians. That sounds like good fun doesn't it. I wonder if they are doing a rain dance?

OK I have to get back out there I hear what sounds like a baseball game over to the East!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

In Memory of my Mousey who loved the Spring.

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Our beloved Pansy, watcher of the road, protector of all as
she made her rounds this morning making sure everyone was
where they should be and safe.

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Tis a Good Friday

It is a Good Friday in the land of Squatamala in the middle of the magical forest near the lake. The Royal Grandchildren arrived last evening without incident and were very surprised that there were new puppies to see which were born of the Royal dog, Shea, on Monday. The Grand Princess was heard to exclaim 'OH! Now I am a Grandmother!' much to the delight of the Queen. The fairies were so very happy the children had come to the forest that they stayed up very late playing so slept in this morning nigh until eight.

The day has been beautiful with not much wind and only one loud unknown noise to break the peace of the whole land. My horse, Pretty Boy, and I have been out in the pasture eating the pretty green grass keeping an eye to the woods and the delightful squeals of the children playing.

Today was a good day.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Announcement Spring is Coming

Spring is coming tomorrow make ready quickly!!! The Royal Family offspring will be arriving to inspect the King's work later this week sometime and we want all the daffodils at attention please. You Paperwhite flowers please line up along the road so that your perfume may be smelled as they exit their carriages. And you White Iris please quit hiding over there by those bushes. Do not be shy you are beautiful open your pure white petals for all to see. Yes yes I know it is too early for the blackberries to be picked for a cobbler but they are sharing their blooms with us now so no talk about their berries for now please. You Peach blossoms are doing quite nicely over there and have you seen the sight the native apple trees are making over in the lower pasture? Why they are spectacular to look at in the evenings as the sun is getting low in the sky for sure. We are going to try to keep our Pretty Boy off of the wild onion plants as much as possible but since he thinks it's funny to step on them we may just have to pretend we don't smell him.

Now is everyone ready? Good good good. Now off to bed with you we will be needing to get an early start in the morning. Dream sweet my pets. Dream Sweet.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ready for a stormy week

The human girl has been very busy around here this morning getting stuff done she usually takes all day to do. Even the Pretty Boy has already had his foot soaked. All the stuff that needed putting up has been put up and everything that needed to be tied down has been tied down. She has been going around here from one place to another so fast I gave up on following her to see what she was doing.

She had time to talk to me when my horse was getting his foot soaked. She said that it is going to start raining and rain for three days which was why she was digging that trench out a little bit that drains the road into the pond. She also told me that one of our little friends is having a birthday party tomorrow that she is going to go to. She said that Patty is not baking the birthday cake this year. Last year she had some trouble doing that. She cooked the cake and had almost all the icing on it when she realized the cake was not even really cooked all the way to the middle. She said it was one of those rectangular cakes in a big pan and Patty had started putting the icing on from the outside to the inside which was why she didn't know the cake wasn't done for real. Patty put that cake back in the oven with the icing on it to try to finish cooking it. We didn't get any of that cake. She said the children loved eating their cake with a spoon. That's funny because Patty is usually a very good cook. Maybe good cooks don't bake I don't know.

The wind is blowing hard out here and the sky is getting darker. I think the Pretty Boy and I better get ourselves sorted out as to where we are going to weather the storm.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday

And there I was standing by that fence that I so enjoy smashing but I was unable to step on it. I really don’t mind having that hard wire fence there but it is not nearly as much fun as the soft wire one was. I normally just keep my big hoof off of cattle panels. They don’t make any noise if I bang them and they don’t bend so no fun in that. All I can do now to wake that human girl up to the fact that I am ready to be fed is to go down the fence line to my Mudfoot’s yard and get her to barking.

Oh speaking of the dog ,Mudfoot, I don’t know if the human people know it or not but she climbs the fence. Yes she does. Just like I hear those children across the road do at their house. Her fence is also made of cattle panels and that soft wire fencing. She has destroyed the soft wire fencing, which is where I got the idea to do the same thing, so she could get to the hard wire panels. I am not sure how far up the fence she can climb but I think that human girl better keep the tree cut back so she can’t use it to pull herself on up and over that fence. She is silly silly little Labrador dog who could get in a lot of trouble if she was to get out her yard because she wouldn’t know what to do with herself. I am going to remember to tell the human girl about that fence climbing because I think she will want to put some chicken wire up inside there to discourage that behavior.

The human girl told me that later today we were going to have company. She said the people up the road where all those cars and trucks are this morning are going to bring the children down for horse back rides. OH BOY!!! I love to have babies come see me. I love to have all sizes of humans come to see me because I am so pretty.


OK it is later in the day now and we had a WONDERFUL day today!!!!! Everyone looked almost as pretty as me and my horse, Pretty Boy. And everyone that wanted to ride got to. I do not ride the children I just let them sit on me. Even little bitty babies can sit on my back I will not move. And my back is wide enough that they will not fall off. The Pretty Boy gives what I call 'Pony Rides' because someone on the ground is always holding his lead rope. My Mousey horse did not have to have someone holding the rope. He would walk and if the child got wobbly he would stop. He was a good horse. My horse, Pretty Boy, I think can be that good. But not me. Nope I like to RODEO!! so I can not be trusted to 'pony ride' children anymore than the human girl or the house mouse can be trusted not to eat the cookies. Sorry house mouse but it is true.

Sooooo Anyway we had a fun day and everyone was laughing and smiling and no one cried so we think it was a successful day.

Bless Your Hearts and those of the people that Love You, and those of the people that Love Them. -Precious-

Friday, March 14, 2008

Medical update on the Pretty Boy

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Pretty Boy is doing GREAT! We have just about gotten all the infection out of his leg!!!!!!!!! Today he stood in his bucket of epsom salts for a very very long time just out there in his pasture. He was not alone the whole time. I was there and the human girl too for a very long time. Then she took the lead rope off of him and told him he could go if he wanted to anytime. I went on and started grazing. He just kept standing there. The human man came home with some cattle panels to reinforce the fence I have been working on taking down and still my Pretty Boy just stood there with that one foot in the bucket of water. They had just about finished putting up two panels when he decided he was done standing in the water. The house mouse went into my part of the barn to look at his foot while he was having his supper later and said that she is very happy for him not be all swelled up anymore.

We are all very grateful to everyone who kept him in their thoughts as he fought this infection. Thank You for your love. -Precious-

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Precious ran in here to say...

A most beautiful day here on the farm! Even better than yesterday.

The human girl was out here going in circles on her machine for a few hours this morning so I kept the Pretty Boy over by the wildlife refuge so he wouldn’t worry about that girl on her machine. He was OK with that. He laid down and took a good long nap while she went round and round out in our pastures dragging that thing behind her machine. And then she went out in the front pasture and started playing around going pretty fast and just a whooping and a hollering she was having so much fun.

There were some small humans over to the East yesterday afternoon kicking a black and white ball around. I don’t know what that is called but I think I could do it if someone would get me a ball. I am pretty sure I could kick a ball since I have four legs and four feet and those kids that were playing yesterday only have two legs apiece. Well I would like to try to do it someday. You just never really know if you really can do something unless you really try. WoW! How many times did I just say ‘really’? That’s really pretty funny. Hahaha

The Queen was telling me the other day that the King made her a garden so she can grow vegetables. YUCK! Why can’t she grow hamburgers instead? Of course I don’t eat hamburger’s I’m a vegetarian but I do like to smell hamburgers cooking.

My horse, Pretty Boy, and I were talking the other day and we were wondering just how long it has been since there were Indians around these parts. We know that we live in an area called the Cherokee Trail but we do not know how many moons and winters it has been since there were Indians here hunting with bows and arrows. Our human girl says her telephone line was put in when there were still Indians living around here but I think she is making that up.

OK enough talking time to go back out and play in the sunshine!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Too pretty to be in the barn

It is much too pretty a day to be in the barn! It was so foggy this morning we couldn't even see each other but when it cleared off WoW!!! And tomorrow is supposed to be even better so you won't be hearing from me too much. There is sun to soak up and tender green grass to eat.

The Pretty Boy is doing so much better today. I think he likes the nice weather also. He is getting his bad leg soaked on a regular basis and the swelling is really going down. I hope one day he will be able to have some of that tall hoof taken off so he can walk level but for now I am just happy the infection is going down. He likes to stand with his foot in a bucket. Me I don't know if I could be that patient. I can't even stand beside him not moving while he stands perfectly still with his foot in that bucket of water. Yesterday the human girl asked him if he would mind just standing there by himself for a minute while she ran over to the big house for something. He didn't mind he will stand there as long as she wants him too and then ten minutes more. He is funny that way. She tells him 'OK you can step out now.' and he says 'I don't think so not right now it feels too good.' so she just lets him stand there some more if he wants. He walks over to the place in the mornings after we have breakfast and waits for her to come with the bucket. He used to soak while he had his breakfast but ever since he kicked her leg off and she had to put it back on she doesn't do it then. She waits until he is done eating and then they just stand there sometimes for a whole hour. He is a very very patient boy. I am patient too but not that patient.

Has anyone seen that Squirrel that keeps chattering out here at the top of his lungs? What do you supposed he is chattering so loudly about?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pink and Purple

For the Grand Little Princess.

A house made special for her by
'The Magical Fantasy Illusionist to the
Royal Family'

Precious here.......

I saw the human girl come out to my red barn and open the big doors so of course I had to see if she needed any help. She was rolling the little lawnmower out when I got there. I can help pretty good with that right up to the point where one of two things happen. One is that when she is pulling on that rope to start it sometimes I stick my nose too close and kapow there you go popped by her elbow. And then the other thing that happens is I am not real thrilled when it starts. Lucky for me she isn't real good at starting it so we can be there awhile before one of the two things happen to me. But this time she wasn't trying to start it. She just rolled it out there and we stood waiting for something. The human man came out and she pushed down on the handle of the mower so it's front wheels came off the ground. She asked the man 'Can you put that belt back on?'. He got down and looked and said he didn't see a belt. She told him that is because it came off. She thought that was some pretty funny words but he didn't. She let the mower down, went around to where the front wheels are and picked it up. I put my head down there to see if I could see the belt she said had come off and the man was down there looking also. She stuck her hand up under there and pointed at something I couldn't see because my eyes are pretty far from the end of my head where my nose it. But she told the man 'Do you see the shiny pulley wheel? That is where the belt goes that is right there.' The man finally saw what she was talking about. He told her 'I can fix that easy. Hold it up and I will go get a screw driver.' She didn't think that sounded like a thing she wanted to do so she said 'Or I could let it down and when you get back with the screw driver I could pick it back up because I am not going to stand here holding it up while you go look for a screw driver.' To which he replied 'How did it happen?' This time she did laugh out loud. She said 'I have no idea. It was working and then it wasn't working.' Such a silly man asking her that. He knows stuff just happens sometimes. I thought it was nice that she had put it back in the barn when it quit working because usually when she breaks stuff....I mean ....when things quit working she usually just leaves them where they quit. LOL!!! Humans are so funny.

Later they came out again but this time it was soak my Pretty Boy's leg in a bucket of epsom salts. I was going to squish the girl but she wouldn't let me. Here's how we were lined up. First the man, then the Pretty Boy, then the human girl then me, Precious. I wanted to see what the man was doing because I could see the human girl was just holding onto my horse but that man was doing something. The human girl said to him 'You are going to have to come back around here because I don't want to be a horse sandwich.' LOL!!! Horse sandwich that's pretty funny. The man came around and backed me, Precious, up but not before I stuck my head into the bucket of epsom salt and I remember now I do not like epsom salt water.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Beautiful day here on the farm

It is a beautiful day out here on the farm! Bright sunshine and not too much wind. Beautiful beautiful.

Precious says that she is not ignoring me she is just busy eating the pretty green grass and keeping an eye on her horse the, Pretty Boy. He has an infection in his leg so he isn’t getting around as fast as usual and she won’t get too far from him because of that. She will not leave him alone. Wants to be where she can see him and he can see her all the time. No rushing either. Dinner can wait.

The human girl comes out a couple of times a day with a big bucket of water she says no one should drink because it has Epsom Salts in it. She says it is to draw the infection out of the Pretty Boy’s leg. Looks like it is working. She was doing that last week up until that day that he kicked her leg off at the knee and she had to put it back on to get to the big house. Since then she has been putting other stuff on his leg. She said that salt in the wound must hurt. Well he doesn’t have a cut he just has oozy places. ‘Oozy’ is that a word? Well it should be it’s kind of a neat word.

Things are going well in the Mystical Magical Fantasy Land of Squatamala. The King and Queen are in the castle waiting of the birth of some puppies that they have already found homes for so don't you start thinking you might get one because you won't. They made a royal bed for the puppies in the special puppy room in the castle.

Must be time for that horse to get his leg soaked again because here comes that human girl with her white bucket.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The barn

When the King was sitting on his Thinking Stump thinking about
the barn he was going to build for the many animals he had not decided
he would aquire he thought of this barn. He did not say that he was going
to build this barn he only thought about this barn. He thought about this barn because he knows the Grand Little Princess dearly loves the color pink. Being a King he thought that Magenta seemed more Kingly than a Pink pink color. Now of course he thought to himself that he must first finish the Fort for he and the Queen of Squatamala to live in before ever starting to build a barn to house livestock. But that does not stop one from sitting on their Thinking Stump and thinking on a snowy day. For what else is one to do on such a day other than sit and watch the snow melt.

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The wind was blowing strong before the snow this morning.

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more house mouse stories

I am a house mouse who lives in the big red barn. House Mouse's don't have very large heads so there are is a limit to the number of words I can fit in there at a time. This being said I must make a correction. The 'Little Princess' is a little princess but her barn name is 'Grand Little Princess' not just 'Little Princess'. I felt I should make that right because as we all know it is very important that we use names when know names and possibly equally important to learn names we do not know.

We are getting snow out here in our pasture! Not so much now as before but it is still snowing. It started snowing between seven and seven thirty this morning. I didn't know it could snow for three hours but it can! Precious is going out in it some and it doesn't seem to bother her. The Pretty Boy went out and came right back in. I don't think he likes snow much.

I will get the human girl to post you some pictures of the snow later if she comes out of the big house.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The beginning of a Story by House Mouse

This is for the Little Prince and the Little Princess

There was a King that was sitting on the Thinking Stump in the mythical fantasy Land of Squatamala. He sat and thought so long that he came up with an idea. He thought it would be a good idea to build a fort out in the woods for he and the Queen to stay in and the Little Prince and Little Princess to come play in. And so he started building a fort.

Fort building is not a fast thing like if you were just building a house. And this fort is being built by the King and Queen themselves with some occasional help from the heir to the throne who lives many miles away which takes days to travel on horseback.

This news just in……..The mythical magical gnarly gnomes have moved to Oklahoma. There are now only forest creatures and lovely fairies left in the Land of Squatamala. A joyous noise was heard to be coming from the center of the Land as the celebrating got into full swing.

Inside the Land of Squatamala if you look closely and listen with your heart you may see fairies dancing in the fog of early morning. Some of them are yellow, some blue and some green and some the loveliest shades of brown you have ever seen. All of them have glittery wings and smiles as bright as the sun dancing on a pond at daybreak. In the woods live all your usual woodland creatures. There are deer and possums, skunks and cats. Armadillos guard the perimeter as mighty armored creatures with hairy noses are apt to do on a regular basis, when they are not crossing the road that is to get themselves a Lone Star Beer. There was once seen a unicorn although some may say these are mythological creatures we are sure we have seen at least one here in the fantasy mythological Land of Squatamala.

Here in the fantasy mythological Land of Squatamala anything is possible. We know this because the King told us so. He said ‘If we put our hearts and minds to it we can do it’, yes this is what was decreed in his speech before the squirrels just three days ago. We are pretty sure that means if we believe hard enough and use our imaginations to the full extent then we can see Unicorns and Armadillos wearing helmets crossing the road for a Lone Star Beer.

There are yellow butterflies in the Land of Squatamala and if one lands one you you are very lucky because they are Angels who have stopped by to give you a kiss. Most butterflies can give Angel kisses if you are able to hold still long enough for them to land on you but just by their sheer numbers you are more apt to have a yellow butterfly bestow this blessing on you than any other color butterfly in the Land of Squatamala.

If you happen to be sitting on the Thinking Stump at eleven o’clock in the morning you might smell the most wonder smells that you might think your nose is playing tricks on you but it is probably the Queen of Squatamala in her cooking area making something for the King and his dog ‘Scrappy’ to eat for dinner. The dog ‘Scrappy’ is not an imaginary dog. No he is a true to the heart Hound Dog who can talk. Yes he can. But it is in a long lost language that only the King and Queen can understand most of the time. The Little Prince and Little Princess sometimes know what the ‘Scrappy’ dog is saying when they listen hard enough and use their eyes to see.

The Queen of Squatamala sends word that the Fort is not finished so there will be no coffee drinking there yet....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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picking pictures

The beginning of a Story by House Mouse

This news just in……..The mythical magical gnarly gnomes have moved to Oklahoma. There are now only forest creatures and lovely fairies left in the Land of Squatamala. A joyous noise was heard to be coming from the center of the Land as the celebrating got into full swing.

The King of Squatamala just reported that he is ready to put more outside stuff on the Fort. I am going to post several pictures of possible Fort finishes and we will vote for the one we want.

The Queen of Squatamala says this is not the finished Fort so there will be no coffee drinking there yet.

The 'Pretty Boy' Trouper
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Precious at the fence waiting to be seen.

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Three Llamas and two Guinea Fowl. Can you see the black Llama
behind the brown one?

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is the Fort being built by the King of Squatamala for the Queen of Squatamala. He hopes to have it ready for a royal visit by the Little Prince and Little Princess of Squatamala this coming summer. There is no word as yet as to whether or not the moat has been completed. There is a Flinging Machine in place to fling pomagranates at troublesome gnarly beasts of mythical nature that may approach.


The troublesome gnarly beasts of mythical nature have decided to go live in Oklahoma! Good thing too since it is not pomagranates season and they were fixing to have to use dinosaur eggs. The awesome Flinging Machine has been converted into much more functional cooking contraption so the King of Squatamala can cook a feast for his Queen and all who visit.
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Sunday, March 2, 2008


They put us a big round bale of hay up here in my big red barn yesterday. I did not know why but I was ready to help if help was needed. The human girl told me that I needed to move back so the tractor could come in. I needed to see what the tractor was going to do once it got in there. Didn’t they want me to go in and make sure it was okay for that tractor to go in there? I guess not. That human girl put both her hands onto my chest and started pushing me backwards…UPHILL! And I did it too. Oh sure it wasn’t much of an uphill but it was uphill and I did back up it. YEA ME! So then she had me out of the way of the tractor and he went in my barn backwards. What’s going on is everything backwards today? I needed to go inside and see why he was going backwards. But that would have meant me going forwards and that was not going to be allowed so I stood there ready to help if they needed me. Somehow they got that roll of hay out and in place without my help. I went in to make sure it was good hay and it was. But then I realized my horse, The Pretty Boy, was not coming in to eat some with me so I went out to tell him we had fresh hay and he should come have some.

My Pretty Boy’s foot is still hurting him some so he is slow. I make sure to wait for him no matter how long it takes. I was going down to see the guinea hen in the old barn this morning and about halfway down there I realized my horse was not coming with me. Well I wasn’t going to leave him up there by himself so I went back up to him. Checking on that hen can wait I have to take care of my horse. He, Pretty Boy, is being real nice to the human girl too. He is picking his foot up and letting her hold it while she puts medicine on it. She got him some powdered stuff the other day. Told us she was not going to put his foot into a bucket of Epsom salts until it heals some. She said it would just burn too much and the powder stuff doesn’t burn him. That’s nice of her to do that for my horse. We both try to take good care of him and we know he appreciates it.

I got a really good brushing yesterday and so did the Pretty Boy. We looked real pretty afterwards so of course we went down to the pond and rolled in the mud. Oh boy what fun was that!!!

The human girl told me that tomorrow after the thunderstorms it is going to snow. I’m still waiting to see what my horse, the Pretty Boy thinks of snow. We don’t think it will snow in the land of Squatamala but we haven’t heard from the King of Squatamala or his Queen so we don’t know for sure.

Did I tell you that the King of Squatamala is building a new fort? I heard them talking about it the other day and it sounds like he might have almost finished the outside stuff. The Queen of Squatamala said she would send the humans a picture and if she does I will see if the house mouse will post it on here for you to see. I hear it is a very big castle set in the woods by a big lake. WoW! That's sounds neato doesn't it.

'Have you been talking to the humans about me?'
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A grey Guinea adding an egg to the small clutch of only about 20 eggs.

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One of four, that we know of, clutches of Guinea Hen eggs. From what we
have heard all the hens lay eggs in the same place then one or two or three
of them sit on the eggs. Keep in mind we started this with about 30 hens.

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Guinea Hen eggs. Just one of three nests.

One of the Gray Guinea hens on her way to lay more eggs I presume

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