I am Precious and my horse's name is Pretty Boy. Those are our barn names. That is what we get called on an everyday basis. I am a Paint horse and my paper name is Skippers Precious. My Pretty Boy is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse who's paper name is Trouper. Anywho........I tell the house mouse about our life and what happens out here on the farm and in my big red barn so she can tell you. Well now you know so on with the stories.................

Thursday, January 31, 2008

How I came to live here

'Ok ok I’ll talk about how I came to be living here' says the Pretty Boy Trouper. So here is his story in his own words……….

I got hurt real bad. I couldn’t even eat I was so hurt. Some men came and said they thought I could be ok so I went with them. They took me to a vet and then to a really nice place with other horse’s who were very nice. The place is called Safe Haven. The other horse’s in my living area were in pretty poor shape as was I so we watched out for each other. The humans at the place were very nice. They were gentle with me and took very good care of me. I loved the attention and the food. Everyday I stood with my hurt foot in a bucket of water while I ate my feed. After a few months two humans came into the corral and looked at the three of us in there. The lady was talking to me. She seemed to like me. Then they went off looking at all the other horse’s and visiting up at the house for awhile before they left the property. I thought they were just visitors. A few days later I got loaded up into a trailer. I thought it was just going to be another vet visit but he took me to a new place and got me out of the trailer. I still couldn’t get around very well. The man, Richard from Safe Haven, took my halter and lead rope off which I took to mean that I was free to go. So I did. Richard started out after me so I had to speed up so I could go over behind those trees and see those horse’s that I was thinking were over there. I heard Richard say ‘Well I guess he’s a lot better than I thought he was.’.

I found another horse, a big Paint horse, down there behind the trees and on the other side of the fence was a small Palamino pony. We all seemed to like each other and got along right away. Richard, the man that brought me here left. The human girl stayed out and watched us for a while then she went into the house. Not too much time went by then she came out again and she was looking for me.

That felt just wonderful that she was wanting to know where I was and she was walking all over the place trying to find me. She found the big paint horse and asked her ‘Where is that pretty boy?’ and that was what she was calling out as she walked around too. She kept calling out ‘Pretty Boy! Where are you Pretty Boy!’ And you know what? I knew she was talking to me when she said that!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Story Delay

The story about that big paint horse's new horse is going to be on hold for a few days due to some fresh hay being brought in and put down there at the old barn yesterday. I have only seen those two horse's twice since that new hay got here. They are not even coming up here to drink water out of the fancy tank they are going down in the pond which is closer to the old barn. I will try get Precious or the Pretty Boy to talk to me in the morning when they come up here to the red barn for feed........if they do come up that is. Sorry for the delay but it is the middle of winter here and that hay is how those two keep their innards warm. When they do come up here and talk to me again I'll remember to remind you of what we have already learned about the new boy.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pretty Boy's story continues...

The story continues……….

When we left off the men from Safe Haven had gone to see about a hurt horse they had been asked to put down and they said NO we won’t do that but we will take him and try to make him better if you sign him over to us.

So that is how he came to be a ward of Safe Haven. They took him to the vet and had him checked out. They took him back to their place and started spoiling him as best they could while nursing him back to health. They called him ‘Trouper’ because he was one. A lot of horse’s in his shape with his injury would have just given up but he didn’t. He put up with anything they did to him without a moments trouble out of him. He had to stand with that bad foot in a bucket of Epsom salts a few times a day and he did it. Hence the name ‘Trouper’. To this day you can take a bucket out there and sit it on the ground beside him and say ‘Put your foot in there’ and he will…but I get ahead of myself. The fine care given to him at the Safe Haven facility got him to the point of being well enough to be adopted out which is how he came to be my horse.

My humans decided to get me a new horse since I had lost my Mousey several months earlier and I was very lonely. The human man, my owner, had heard about the Safe Haven organization so one day they took a drive up there to see what it was all about. They had talked to the man in charge of the place on the phone and told him what they needed which was me a friend and he had one picked out he thought would be great. He took them out into a corral where there were three horse’s. The palomino he thought would be good for me to have as a friend and two other ones. First the other one and then the palomino ‘Trigger’ walked away as the humans approached. Which left my horse standing there.

I think I should go talk to my horse and see if he wants to tell you this part of his story since I wasn’t there to see it for myself…..I’ll be back as soon as I get back.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

About my horse

I have been telling you I would tell you more about my horse ‘the Pretty Boy Trouper’. He is a Red Roan Appaloosa they got for me from a place called ‘SafeHaven ’. It is a horse rescue operation. My Pretty Boy is a cutting horse and from the little I have seen he is a fine one. You put a rope on him and pull from the front that boy isn’t going anywhere. Now a lot of you might not have a clue what that means but when you see it happening right there in front of your eyes it’s a very funny thing. That boy can plant his back feet at the drop of a dime. Of course I too can stop and not move but for it’s just that I’m walking along and decide I have gone far enough so I stop walking. My Pretty Boy stops cold in his tracks. And he can spin around so fast you might think he has just one of his back feet on the ground. I told the house mouse to tell the human girl to take you some pictures of my horse and to also show you some of the pictures of what he looked like when he got here.

When he got here is when he started being called ‘Pretty Boy’. He was being called ‘Trouper’ because the people at Safe Haven said he was a trouper in the way he lived through what he had lived through. You see they got a call from a place that wanted them to come put the horse down for them because he was in pretty bad shape. They told the people they would come take a look. They got out there and the horse was in very poor shape indeed. His right front hoof had dang near been completely cut off. Nearly whole of it was gone from front to back and he was real real skinny. But they told the owners NO. No we will not put this horse down. We will take him and we will do what we can to make him better.

To Be Continued………..

Friday, January 25, 2008

What a week!

It has been a busy week around the farm. My tractor left and came back more than once without anything for me. He was going across the road and getting hay for the neighbor's because there was supposed to be an ice storm or sleet or snow or something happening today. I like it when my tractor leaves the property and then comes back because usually he has something for me. I get real happy when I see him coming down the road and I run like the wind with my tail up to greet him. I think that is fun because he doesn't know I have very good brakes plus he doesn't know why I am running at him so he gets a very funny look on his face. LOL!!! So everyone on the road has been getting ready for the big winter storm all week and all that happened was some very cold rain that froze some, melted some and froze some more before melting again. I suppose it will refreeze tonight but I'm not going out there to see if it does. Me and my horse have pretty much stayed inside my barn all day today. First light came and no feed so we did venture out about seven to see if we could see anyone moving at the house. Wasn't much after that the human girl came out telling us all about the weather. What did she think? Did she think we couldn't see what was happening? Silly girl. If she had come out to the barn earlier we could have told HER all about the weather that she was probably sleeping through. So any way she gave us our feed and then started giving us hay. We got a lot of hay in a lot of places. She put hay in four places in the barn plus in the my feeder barrel. Then she put six flakes of hay out around in my pasture. And then she put an armload of loose hay on the ground beside where I was eating my breakfast. She said 'Here you will need this to keep you warm'. It worked I was warm all day. My horse even let me come all the way into my barn and eat my hay out of my very own feeder by about noon. It was nice of him to share. Tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow it is not going to be wet and the temperature is supposed to be up to 70 degrees the house mouse told me the human girl told her that. Good thing it is going to be nice because we have us some very nice hay out there in piles around the pasture that don't need to be left there to go to waste.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Fog

The fog is so thick I can’t see my barn! I am a big girl and not afraid of anything. My human girl calls me ‘fearless’ I am so brave. But when that big glob of hay came walking out of the fog this morning I jumped about two feet straight up in the air! Wildest thing I had seen in quite a while that walking hay. Hay isn’t supposed to walk. We walk to the hay not the other way around. But sure enough here it came and it was coming right at me. Now don’t get me wrong I have seen hay move before. But there is usually a tractor hooked to it when that happens. And there was no tractor this morning. That hay was WALKING and that is just wrong. So I jumped straight up in the air and landed solid on all four legs incase I needed to take more action. I drew myself up very tall and spread my chest out I was not afraid………….not anymore anyway. I was ready to take on that walking hay. I pawed the ground. And that’s when it happened. That hay had a voice! Yes it did I tell you it did and I’ll tell you what it said too. It said ‘Stop that.’ Well now if that’s just not something to write home about I don’t know what is. Walking hay that knows I’m not supposed to be pawing the ground on account of that is not good for my hooves and it’s a bad habit to get into and well it’s just not allowed. That walking hay got cleared of the fog finally and I could see it had arms and legs so then I figured out that if I hadn’t still been just a little scared I might have noticed that the voice belonged to my human girl. Mercy me what was I thinking, walking hay, well everyone knows there’s no such thing as walking hay. Silly me. Walking hay.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Rainy day

Raining all day so far. I heard that the weatherman said light showers that would not even reach the ground till late this afternoon when it is going to rain and possibly thunder. I think he must have been in a very low place.

Rain has stopped for now. Just wet and chilly out here. Eating a lot of hay to keep warm. That's what hay does makes my body warm me being a horse you know. Some old country folks out here call it 'fodder'. "You need to make sure that livestock has some fodder there is cold weather coming!" also I have heard one old cowboy say 'Feed in the morning, hay at night'. Me and my horse are glad our human girl doesn't hold to that too much. She gives us a big can of feed in the mornings but then twice more we get a couple of cups. One time we get a couple of cups is between 2 and 3 in the afternoon and then a couple of more cups about 5 in the evening before the sun starts going down.

Speaking of that sun going down......The other morning when the sun was coming up there was a cold front pushing through that met up with some Gulf of Mexico moisture but when I saw it they were still two separate pieces of cloud. Looked up and there you go a white stripe across the sky. That was because the sun was already up behind those dark clouds and then that break in the clouds then another bunch of dark clouds. That human girl saw it too. She went back in the big house and got her camera but I don't think she got a picture of it because she just kept shaking her head and then she went back inside. It was right interesting to see that and I'm sorry you missed it....if you did.....miss it that is.

That palomino pony is over there at the fence with one of her cows, those two llamas animals and the two donkeys. Pretty sure they are jealous of the attention my house mouse gives me and my horse.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Turn to Talk

House Mouse here. Precious ran in here to tell me I can just make something up today because she is too busy bothering her horse to talk to me. I believe that. I saw them out there earlier today playing like crazy. I say crazy because she was the only one doing any playing. Her horse was mainly trying to duck in time. When he gets tired of her acting crazy all around him he just turns his backend to her. He never lashes out but this does tell her that he is all done playing. I saw them out by a Cedar tree playing some sort of Indian game. I think it is called ‘See who can bite first’ but I’m not sure of that. They were standing head to head having a stare down contest that kept ending with one of them blinking. LOL!! They looked real funny trying not to let the other one know when the blink was coming. With those big horse heads that’s a tall order for sure. Sometimes the one that was going to get first bite would end up on the other end of the bite which did not set as well with the bitee as it the biter.

Looks like a mix of rain, sleet and snow falling out there outside this barn so I am going to go snug myself down in my warm little corner for the night. It’s been fun talking to you myself maybe she will let me do it again sometime.

Dream Sweet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I love my barn

I like the old barn just fine but I love my red barn. And I am very happy that the human girl put me some hay up here in my barn yesterday. It has gotten cold out here! I'm glad that it didn't come thru yesterday when it was wet all day. At least today it's dry and there are no clouds. Just a cold wind a blowin' which is why I am happy to have hay in my own barn. It's a nice place to be when the wind is coming out of the north because that wind can't get to us.

Very interesting turn of events indeed. Four sleeps ago Spring had Sprung and just now the human girl came out to put more hay in MY barn because she said 'It is going to be snowing in the morning'. Oh NO! SNOW! I do not know how my new horse handles snow. And if it is ice and snow I am even more concerned since he has that one foot that is not completely well yet. Human girl says that is not a problem that he has a shoe on that foot just for that reason. She tells him no pawing the ground but other than that he is not going to hurt that foot doing anything we do around here no matter what the weather brings. Now we might step on a rock or walk in some deep sucky mud or even step into a gopher hole after a big flooding rain but none of that will hurt his foot as long as he has that shoe on and we never worry over any of that kind of stuff. I just hope he can keep his head on and act right if it does snow or ice over. Don't want him getting all crazy on ice and sliding into a fence you know that would have to hurt. The human girl patted on both us and told it was going to be fine. That it would even be fun. She says that she will come out and play with us if it snows. Says she just doesn't know when it will happen. The weatherman told her 'in the morning'.

'In the morning'.........That comes at different times for everyone I think. For me 'morning' happens when the sun starts coming up. For my horse 'morning' happens when gets hungry. For the human man 'morning' happens when it is still dark outside and the human girl you just never know when she is going to be moving around. The house mouse is always awake, just takes 'cat' naps...sometimes it just takes awhile to find her.

Spent a little time this evening playing with the Palomino horse in the next pasture. We are going to need to talk about her tomorrow. I'm thinking she needs a serious lecture on how to behave.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Finally happened

Well it finally happened. My horse got on my last nerve. There that human girl was on the other side of the wood fence loading her truck with hay. And there we were on the other side of that fence watching her. I was there first. When I saw my horse coming over I moved so he could have the best view. He thought where I moved to must be the best place so I walked away. She finished loading her truck and went off towards the barn. I wanted to follow her up there. So did my horse. I wanted to go first because he is afraid things will run over him but he decided he wanted to go first. I told him it was my girl and my truck but he seemed to think I was supposed to let him have the lead. I can see where he might have gotten that idea because I have been being nice to him since he is injured but he's not that injured anymore so I'm done being second horse. Well we talked about how he wasn't nice at the fence and we talked about how he could just let me go on and go up to my barn but he wanted to discuss it some more and that's when it happened. He stepped right smooth on top of my very last nerve. I kicked at him a little with my front feet and he did the same at me. We both raised our voices too. At that particular point in time my human girl decided to put a stop to it and blew the truck horn. I told my horse 'That is my human girl at my barn blowing the horn on my truck!' and he bit me. I guess we both need to learn to share. We already know that human girl is going to have a talk with us when she us misbehaving or evidence of our misbehaving or even if we look like we might be thinking about misbehaving.
Like this morning when she thought we might be fixing to be trouble. She was walking in front, then my horse and then me. She stopped put her right hand up, yes I know the difference between right and left, and said Whoa! all at the same time. The first three times she did that we were slow at the Whoa'ing. The fourth time we did better and she told us so and walked on to the barn to get our feed. Then she made my horse back up about ten feet before he was allowed to have his feed. I thought that was pretty funny until she came to give me my portion and told me 'Wait'. Pretty sure all of that was to remind us who the 'Lead Horse' really is around here.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

football playoff games

Football playoff games so no one out and about this afternoon except my human girl. There is a nice little female basset hound living up the road that started coming down here a few days ago. My human doesn't abide by stray dogs and I don't blame her. They usually don't have manners one. Well today there was a whole bunch of them circling the house like wild Indians and she came out to put a stop to it. She fired off her pellet pistol and they took off in three different directions. I don't know that for myself it was my horse that told me what happened. I don't much like the sharp noise that gun makes so turn my back. Anyway just a little while later she came out to give me and my horse some feed and one of those dogs was coming back towards MY barn. This is a new road dog. Black and white in color with one back leg that doesn't touch the ground. We get dogs like that out here, those three legged kind. Don't know why people don't just take care of their own animals. If something happens you just deal with it. That's all there is to it. You just deal with it. Oh....Ok so she came out to give me and my horse some feed and that little black and white dog was coming so she yelled at it. She said 'GET!' and it did. Last time we saw it it was heading back up the road with the basset hound. Good thing for that dog she didn't have her gun with her. She's a real good shot. If she aims at it she hits it. She never aims right at the stray dogs doesn't want to actually hit one but don't tell them that it would ruin it for her.
One time some folks were here on their horses and they had dogs with them and those dogs started chasing the cool goat that lived here and she said 'You get those dogs out of here right now BANG. oh. I'm sorry should I have given you time to Get?' LOL!!! That was funny.
Had us some rain today. Should be good for that sweet tender grass coming up out there. Hope we can get it all eaten before it snows Wednesday.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ah! Spring has Sprung!!

Another beautiful spring day! Trees are budding, warm season grass is coming out. Yes the warm season grass. Not going to be a winter pasture I guess this year not with this weather. I heard those human talking yesterday and it hasn’t been this warm in January for 100 years. They said something about a 100 year cycle and a thousand year cycle. See these country folks aren’t buying into that global warming thing since they are living it they know what’s going on. They are doing a lot to get off the grid but not because some one some where said something silly that got blown all out of proportion.

My horse just got taken for a walk. I follow along behind and sometimes he stops to see if I am still back there. That stopping when he’s not supposed to is what has gotten him into trouble with that human girl. She is real nice but don’t you think she’s soft because she’s not. She is not going to put up with a horse not paying attention to what she is saying. We can do what we want to do when she isn’t out here wanting us to do stuff for her. He needs to learn that. First you do what she says then you can what you want.

Such a pretty pretty day! March winds are taking a break and the skies are pretty clear of clouds. I’m a happy camper for sure today!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Wind

Oh come on now. I mean really is this necessary? I know that it is not the March winds blowing I don't have a calendar but I know how many times I have eaten since Rudolf and his buddies were by here towing Santa's sleigh and it has not been enough times for it to already be March. My main and tail are going to be so very tangled up I know it will take my human a very long time to get them straightened out and why do it anyway the wind is just going to keep blowing until it quits anyway. I have run out of air saying all those words at the same time without even stopping to breathe I am going to take a nap now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pedicure Day

We had company today. Randall came by to trim our hooves. My horse is doing so well Randal told the human girl that whatever she is doing she should keep doing it. My horse now has some real hoof on that outside part and it may not even come off. Maybe you don’t know this but he was hurt real bad before he came here to be my horse. He has his feet worked on first and that takes a long time but I was very patient. I was as patient as I could be that is. I looked at everything in the back of Randal's truck and had me a snack of some hay back there. Then I found the old cut off rusty horse shoe nails. Ah! Just what I was looking for. Randal doesn't let me eat them. Tells me 'No No You cannot eat those they are not for you to eat move you head go on now.' Finally my owner got a brush and started brushing me so I quit bother everyone else. My horse got all four of his feet trimmed and shoes put on his two front ones. Then it was my turn. There was a big to-do about that. Some of thought it was pretty funny. Had to stand still, had to put my head down and get a halter put on me and then a lead rope attached to that. HELLO?!! I have been standing right here in this very same spot for an hour and half do you really think I am going to just up and decide to walk away now? Humans are so funny sometimes. I got all four of my feet trimmed and filed real nice. Randal is a great guy. He works and works and then he will just sit down for a time and talk. He is always nice. He is very strong so if I try to do something wrong he will tell me straight up to stop that. When I do stop he will sit down a few minutes and let me think about my bad behavior. That is pretty interesting.

Bad behavior is not tolerated. I have to do what I am told to do and pretty much when I am told to do it. If I do not then I really really have to do whatever it is I was asked to do and then when I do do it they say Thank You then just walk away from me. It’s like they are saying that is just fine that you did what you were asked to do but it is not going to be rewarded because you did not do it when you were asked to do. I sometimes forget that I have to do what I’m being asked to do.

Especially if I am being asked to go forward by a rope being pulled. I do not respond well to that. I will walk along beside you or follow you but I do not like some human to be out in front of me pulling on a rope. Nope I do not like that.

My horse put on his brakes when she was walking him up to the truck. I do not know what he was thinking. All she did was say 'Ok' then walked him around in a circle then off they went. Do you think he didn't know they were going the same way she had wanted him to go but he wouldn't just because she walked him around in a circle? What a silly boy he is. He should do it like I do. Put on the brakes and make them come to you. Oh sure that's wrong but as long as it works I'm fine with it.

Randal said he had heard that my horse used to be a 'cutting' horse. I believe that to be true because even with his very hurt foot he can turn on a dime. You should see him spin around on his back legs. Sometimes it looks like he is just spinning on one hind leg he goes so fast. I hope he get's all better someday so he can walk nicely without it hurting him much.

Monday, January 7, 2008

My Barn

I was thinking about my barn this morning when I went in there to eat my breakfast. I don't usually eat inside but for some reason this morning my horse decided he wanted to eat out of my feed barrel. Since I'm not much for fighting I let him have it. That white barrel is mine. He has an orange barrel out here in the pasture and one in the barn on a feeder rack the human man built for us. He built it for me and my other horse, Mousey, who moved on to greener pastures last year. You might be thinking that it could be used by me and my new horse but you would be thinking wrong. He's an okay fella but he doesn't want me any where near him when he eats. Doesn't matter that there is a board up between the barrels so he can't see me he knows I'm there and that makes digesting proper pretty hard. So anyway I eat outside and he eats inside, in MY barn. My barn, my sanctuary, mine mine mine!

My barn is a special place. There is room for me and a friend or even two friends then there is a gate behind which is the hay we eat. Some times it is stacked nearly to the roof which is way higher than I look. My barn surrounds me. It blocks the wind and keeps the cold from freezing my tail. It keeps the rain from falling on me and storms at bay. My barn is a place of Peace. That is unless my horse is already in there then it's more like....The outside of my barn is a place of Peace....................

There was a Red Bud tree that was weak and snapped off about four feet up it's trunk in this wind we have been having. That's not a real bad thing just makes a popping noise when it snaps over but I'm not afraid of stuff so that didn't bother me. I went over and looked at it and it looks like it might have been dead awhile because it has a lot of little trees coming out of it already below the break. Red Bud trees are like that. They live like a tree for a long time then they snap off and become more like Red Bud Bush's. Me being a horse I'm not real sure there is such a thing as a Red Bud Bush but that's what it looks like to me when it happens the way it does on occasion. I don't eat Red Bud tree leaves but the flowers they have in the spring time sure do smell pretty. I sometimes taste of them but I much prefer the old Lantana on the side of the road in. My human girl doesn't like me eating her flowers. Says horse's are not supposed to eat flowers but how am supposed to stay so sweet if I don't?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Windy out here

It is very windy out here! And it is 80 degrees too!! January in East Texas gotta love it.

The human girl carried that big ole ladder down to the old barn twice to screw the tin back down on the roof. Heard her muttering to herself that she should just leave the ladder down there till the March winds in January quit blowing....but she didn't. I stood at the bottom of the ladder so my horse wouldn't knock it out from under her. I have to take care of her and watch out for her. I try to stay close to her when she is out here working on something in case she needs my help or like I said just to keep my horse from bothering her.

After she took that ladder back up to my barn again she got her truck and came down here. She is picking up all the hay that me and my horse pull out of that big round bale. She puts it in the back of the truck and takes it up to my barn. I guess she is saving it for later.............

Saturday, January 5, 2008

free range hay

We can get to the big round bale of hay down at my old barn so if you don’t see us for awhile we are down there. You might want to come check on us though because we will be eating the middle out of that bale of hay and my horse may not be strong enough yet to pull himself out if it collapses on him. I will be trying to keep enough pulled out on the ground for him to eat without sticking his big head in there but I still think you should keep ear out for me looking for your help. Thank you for your cooperation. Love Precious.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My how time flies......

My how time flies when you are freezing your shoes off! Hard to believe it is a whole new year out here in the barn.........probably all over the world too but my world is my barn since that's where they keep the feed. I'll spend a little time today trying to catch you up.........

In case you don’t know my name is Precious, Skippers Precious ‘Dakota’ to be exact. I am a registered American Paint Horse. My horse, Pretty Boy Trouper, is a Red Roan Appaloosa horse. We live here with a couple of humans and a couple of dogs. My dog is called 'Mudfoot' because her feet are always muddy. My house mouse types my stories for me because hooves just don’t type well.

Today is the last day of the year 2007.

Windy and cool but not too bad for the time of year it is. We got two big round bales of hay yesterday but we don’t really care. As long as the human girl keeps bringing us flakes of hay we don’t need them. And anyway there is still some green out in the pastures for us to graze on. It has been a very mild winter so far. Tonight and for the next couple of nights though it is supposed to be about 20 degrees or so overnight so I hope the human girl remembers to give us some extra hay before the sun goes down. I bet my dog, Mudfoot, would like some fresh hay in her igloo house too for those kinds of temperatures. ‘Mudfoot’ is a red Lab dog. She is very sweet but very loud. She thinks she has to be to get the humans attention for us. We don’t tell her we can do it ourselves because it makes her think she is doing something important. Sometimes we go stand by her yard just so she will put up a fuss and get us some attention quickly without us getting in trouble for banging on stuff we aren’t supposed to bang on. I banged on a gate one time with my foot that it fell over. Boy was I surprised when that happened! I couldn’t do anything but stand there. I was trying to decide if I should just go ahead and go in now that I could but I was thinking that big noise was surely going to get some humans attention and I know how much she liked that gate and there it was just laying there on the ground….all my fault. Me and my big ole foot attached to my big ole leg. And sure enough I was right she was not happy. Said so right out loud. “Oh I can’t believe you did that Precious! I am not happy. Not happy at all. You go on now Precious. Oh my oh my. Let’s go girl we have to get you put in your pasture right now!!” And that’s what she did. She put me in my pasture and locked the gate and I didn’t see her again for hours she was so mad. The man human came home and he said he would fix things right up. No more gate. Just a fence. Now I can’t get in that side yard which means I can’t look in the windows of the house with my nose up against the glass to see what they are doing. I can still see in there but it's just not the same not being able to look close up. Wish that gate hadn’t fallen down, it’s the termites fault not mine. Yeah The Termites!